i. leftism; ~ etmək to act like a leftist
f. to cause smth. to fade; to cause smth. to grow colourless; Günəş parçanı soldurub The sun has faded the material
i. mus. solfeggio, solfa
s. pale, pallid; (yorğunluqdan) wan; məc. colourless; faded; ~ çiçəklər faded flowers; ~ görkəm pallid look; ~ təbəssüm a wan smile
f. to cause smth. to grow pale / pallid; to make* colourless
f. to grow* pale / pallid; to become* colourless
i. paleness, pallor; məc. colourlessness
i. soloist
f. to become* leftist / left-winger; to support the left
i. siya. leftism
f. 1. (parça) to fade, to lose* colour; (bitki) to grow* / to become* withered; (rəng) to run*, to fade; 2
s. bax solmaz
s. unfading; unfadable; ~ rənglər unfadable colours; ~ şöhrət unfading glory
i. mus. solo
i. sultan; sultan’s daughter
i. sultanate; great happiness
f. to turn white losing colour
f. to turn grey losing colour
f. to turn yellow; to become* sick / weak / pale
f. to be* caused to become faded / discoloured; (bitki) to be* caused to wither
f. to fade, to wither; to get* / to become* faded / withered
I. i. breath; breathing; pant; soluğunu almaq to take* breath; soluğu daralmaq to be* out of breath; to be* hardly able to breathe; bir soluğa in a fl
f. to cause smth. to become faded / discoloured; (bitki) to cause to get / to become withered (d.)
i. sombrero (pl.s)
I. i. bax övlad II. i. end; ~a çatmaq to come* to an end; ~da in the end; after all; ~ vermək / qoymaq to put* an end (to); ~ dan ~a from end to end;
i. 1. zool. drake; 2. beauty
f. 1. bax seçmək; 2. to try to find fault / defect / shortcoming
i. mus. sonate
i. the last-born child*
i. kick; ~ atmaq bax soncuqlamaq
f. to kick out
f. to kick out each other / one another; to kick out all together
f. to cause (d.) to kick out
i. kicker
i. ədəb. sonnet
i. 1. ending; xoşbəxt ~ happy ending; 2. qram. ending
I. i. sonor II. s. sonorous; ~ səs sonorous voice
f. to become* sonorous
i. sonority
I. z. later (on), in future, then, afterwards; bir həftə ~ a week later; Sonra o dedi ... Then he / she said
z. later on, then, afterwards; Əvvəlcə məni gör, sonradan evə gedərsən First see me, then you’ll go home
z. in the end; some time later; afterwards
s. next; following; ~ gün the next day
z. bax sonradan-sonraya
i. continuation; ~ var to be continued
s. 1. endless, infinite; (i.s.) without an end; everlasting; ~ yol endless road / way; ~ cəhdlər endless attempts; ~ mübahisələr / müzakirələr endless
f. to become* endless / infinite / everlasting
i. 1. endlessness; infinity; (vaxt) eternity; ◊ sonsuzluqa qədər for ever and ever; 2. childlessness
s. last; latter; final; ~ cəhd the last effort; ~ dəfə for the last time; ~ dəqiqədə at the last moment
i. mus. soprano; (müğənni) sopranist