n. anguish, agony, torment; anxiety, fear; азаб гун v. torment, torture, agonize, persecute; fret, worry; grill, interrogate
adj. free; void; leisure; unobstructed; unbound, unrestrained; азад авун v. liberate, free, emancipate, release (from slavery, captivity, etc
n. freedom, emancipation; liberty; independence; exemption; release.
also. азаддаказ.
adv. freely, with liberty, without limits; frankly, openly.
(-из, -на, азад ая) also. азад (азад авун).
1) n. illness, disease, sickness, malady; trouble; 2) n. suffering, state in which one endures some difficulty or misfortune, distress, hardship, pain
adj. aching, hurting; ailing, diseased, ill, sick; азарлу хьун v. sicken.
1) n. illness, disease, sickness, malady; trouble 2) n. sickliness, morbidness; debility; soreness, painfulness; valetudinarianism; delicacy, sensitiv
n. hospital, infirmary.
туькьуьл азва adj. bitter, poignant, pungent; rough.
adj. clear; obvious, evident; lucid, comprehensible; serene, cloudless; articulate, eloquent.
clear weather.
adj. avid, greedy; edacious, voracious.
n. greed, avarice, voracity.
adv. greedily; devouringly; gulp.
n. dearie, sweetheart.
n. anguish, agony, torment; anxiety, fear; азият къачун a) v. worry, fret, be anxious about, distress oneself, fash, be concerned; b) v
n. angel, spirit servant of God.
n. balcony, porch; gallery.
n. stallion, stud, uncastrated male horse (especially one used for breeding).
o, oh!.
n. allusion, hint, intimation. АЙГЬАНА conj. if; supposing; when; subject to. АЙГЬАРАЙГЬА also. айгьа
1) n. shame, dishonor, disgrace; spot, blemish; obloquy, defamation; 2) n. reproach, reproof, rebuke; admonition, call down, set down; 3) n
n. genitals, genitalia, private parts, privy parts. АЙИБАРУН (-из, -на, -а) also. айиб (айиб авун). АЙИБУН (-из, -на, -а) also
adv. in point of fact, in fact; in reality.
n. eyeglasses, spectacles, glasses, set of lenses attached to a frame and used improve vision.
also. чаравал.
also. аэроплан.
ХЬУН v. part, separate.
(-из, -на, -а) v. separate, part; sever, sunder.
айхь-уйхь авун v. complain; whine, grumble and complain like a child.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. hamper, hinder, impede; interrupt, disturb, interfere 2) v. jumble; 3) v. let by, pass; ignore, overlook; omit, leave out
n. academy, academic association or institution.
(-из, -на, акад/-а) also. акатун.
also. гьакал.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. string, thread; bead; 2) v. tie up, bind; chain, tie down; lash, rope; 3) v. put on, don, wear; draw on
(-из, -на, акат/-а) 1) v. occur; bite; 2) v. begin, start, commence; 3) v. act, do; proceed; function, operate; move; affect; 4) v
(-из, -на, акахь/-а) 1) v. mix, blend substances together; combine elements or activities that are not usually combinable; intermingle; merge; be blen
adv. evidently, clearly, obviously, apparently; without a doubt; audibly.
adv. insensibly; also. . акуна-такуна.
1. adj. reverse; return; inverted; opposite, converse; back, backward; negative; 2. adv. against, in opposition, contrary; athwart, in an apposing man
adv. on the contrary, contrariwise, conversely; round; backward, backwards; vice versa .
adv. against, in opposition, contrary; athwart, in an apposing manner.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. act, deed; start, commencement; indictment, accusation; certificate; report, detailed account of an occurrence or situation; stat
n. assets.
(-из, -на, акуд/-а): кьуьлуьник акудун v. take out, remove; conclude, deduce; hatch, breed; lead out