I. s. 1. sad, cheerless, doleful, wistful, mournful; ~ baxış a sad / doleful / wistful look; ~ görkəm a mournful air, an air of sadness; 2. (saç) tousled; ~ saç / zülf tousled hair; 3. (fikir) disconnected; incoherent; ~ fikirlər incoherent / cheerless thoughts; ~ olmaq to be* put out (over), to feel* / to be* upset (over).; to be* disappointed (at), to become* sorrowful / sad; ~ etmək to upset* (d.), to put* out (d.)

II. z. sadly, dolefully, wistfully, mournfully; ~ danışmaq to speak* sadly / dolefully / wistfully


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