f. 1. to gather (together), to assemble; bir yerə ~ to get* together; Xeyli adam yığıldı Many people gathered; 2. to be* piled / heaped / stacked; Kitablar bir yerə yığıldı The books were piled up; 3. to be* assembled / installed; 4. to be* collected; 5. to be* gathered / picked; Məhsul yığıldı The crop was gathered; Gül yığıldı The flower was picked; 6. to be* packed; Şeylər yığıldı Things were packed; 7. to be* cleared; Stol (süfrə) yığıldı The table was cleared up; 8. to be* made; Çarpayı yığıldı The bed was made; 9. (parça) to shrink*; yuyulduqdan sonra ~ to shrink* after laundering


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