f. 1. to part (with); bir kəsdən ~ to part with smb.; fikirdən ~ to put* the thought out of one’s head, to give* up the thought; Gəlin dost kimi ayrılaq Let’s part friends; 2. to be* separated, to become* disconnected, to get* demarcated / delimited; 3. (boşanmaq) to be* divorced (from); ərindən / arvadından ~ to be* divorced from one’s husband / wife; Mənim dayım arvadından keçən il ayrıldı My uncle was divorced from his wife last year; 4. kim. to decompose; Su oksigenə və hidrogenə ayrılır Water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen; 5. (kitabdan) to tear* oneself away (from); Mən bu kitabdan ayrıla bilmirəm I can’t tear myself away from this book; 6. (əlaqəni itirmək) to lose* touch (with); reallıqdan ~ to lose* touch with reality; kütlədən ~ to lose* contact with the masses


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