i. kvass; çörək ~ ı bread kvass
i. mus. fifth
i. mus. quintet(te)
i.: d.d. ~ olmaq to be* quits; Biz səninlə kvit olduq We are quits
f. to call / to be* quits (with); Biz kvitləndik We are quits
i. quorum; Kvorum yoxdur There is no quorum; ~ toplamaq to secure a quorum, (səsvermədə) to muster a quorum
Q, q the 17th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
i. caw
I. i. 1. top.i. tableware, the dishes, crockery; çini ~ china; saxsı ~ earthenware; tənəkə ~ tinware; mis ~ copperware; mətbəx ~ı kitchen utensils pl
top.i. kitchen utensils; plates, spoons, forks, etc.; qab-qacaq yumaq to wash kitchen utensils
top.i. bax qab-qacaq
top.i. kitchen utensils, dishes and saucepans
I. i. brute, rough, rude fellow, boor; (qadın) rude woman* II. s. brute, rough, coarse, rude, gross; ~ səs harsh / rough / gruff voice; ~ dəri rough /
z. rudely / roughly, indelicately; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave rudely, to conduct indelicately
s. inevitable, irresistible; ~ ziddiyyət inevitable conflict; ~ arzu irresistible desire
i. irresistibility, inevitability
I. i. bot. pumpkin II. s. pumpkin (attr.); ~ toxumu pumpkin seed III. i. 1. front; evin qabağı the front of the house; Qabağına bax! Look to your fron
z. opposite, facing each other / one another; Onlar qabaq-qabağa otururdular They were sitting opposite / facing each other
z. bax qabaq-qabağa
z. at first, firstly, formerly, in advance, beforehand
z. beforehand, in good time, in advance; bir şeyin qeydinə ~ qalmaq to think* of smth. beforehand / in advance; ~ pulu vermək to pay* in advance
I. i. advanced worker, leading worker; zavodun ~ları the advanced / leading workers of a factory; kənd təsərrüfatı ~ları advanced / foremost people in
z. 1. in front; ahead; before; ~ getmək to go* ahead / in advance; ~ olmaq to be* in advance; (bir işdə) to take* the lead; Sizin bütün həyatınız qaba
s. 1. front; ~ yerlər front seats; 2. nearest; ~ kənd the nearest village; 3. immediate; ~ vəzifələr immediate tasks; 4
I. s. front; ~ görünüş front view II. z. 1. at / from the front; in front; ~ baxmaq to look at the front, to take* a front view; Qabaqdan qış gəlirWin
i. leavings, leftovers
s. 1. front; ~ cərgələr front rows; 2. former; ~ vaxtlar former times; ~ prezident a former president, an ex-president; 3
f. 1. to pass ahead (of), to outstrip (d.), to take* the lead (over); (arxada buraxmaq) to leave* behind (d
f. 1. to be* left behind / outstripped; 2. to be* forestalled
z. formerly, previously, in the past, in former times; Qabaqlar burada bazar var idi. There was a market here formerly; Mən qabaqlar onu görməmişdim I
z. bax qabaqlar
f. 1. bax üzləşdirilmək; 2. to be* compared
fi. 1. comparison; 2. confrontation
f. 1. bax üzləşdirmək; 2. to compare (d.)
f. 1. to meet* (d. with), to come* across (d.); to encounter (d.); 2. to compete (d. with), to emulate (d
f. to be*made coarse / rough, to cause to become rude / coarse / rough
f. to cause (d.) to become* coarse / rough
f. to become* coarse / rough; to become* rude
i. 1. rudeness; 2. roughness, coarseness; ~ etmək to act / to behave rudely
I. i. (ev) hog, boar; (vəhşi) wild boar; (dişisi) wild sow II. s. boar; ~ əti boar; ~ ovu boar-hunting
i. corn, callosity; ◊ bir kəsin gözünü ~ etmək to be* an eyesore to smb.; ◊ bir kəsin ~ını basmaq to tread on someone’s corn; ~ etmək to rub sore (d
s. horny, toil-hardened; ~ əllər horny / toil-hardened hands
i. 1. bubble; sabun qabarcığı soap bubble; sabun qabarcığı buraxmaq to blow* bubbles; 2. (yanıqdan əmələ gələn, yağlı boya ilə çəkilən şəkillərin üzər
f. to cause (d.) / to force (d.) to bubble
f. 1. to bubble, to form bubbles, to rise* in bubbles; 2. to blister
s. bubbly; (i.s.) full of bubbles
I. s. 1. salient, protuberant; ~ xüsusiyyət salient characteristic; ~ cəhətlər salient points; ~ faktlar protuberant facts; 2
s. uneven, hilly; ~ yol hilly road
i. unevenness; salience, prominence, protuberance
i. overall dimensions pl.; d.d. size