i. satire; ~ atəşinə tutmaq to satirize (d.), to write* or to speak* using satire
I. i. satirist II. s. satiric(al); ~ kupletlər satirical couplets
I. i. traitor, betrayer, mercenary / venal creature; (qadın) traitress; ~ olmaq to turn / to become* traitor; partiya ~ı traitor to party; inqilab ~ı
z. traitorously, treacherously, perfidiously
i. betrayal, disloyalty, treachery, perfidy, perfidiousness; ~ etmək to be* / to become* traitor / (qadın) traitress
s. for sale; ~ heyvan animal for sale; ~ mal goods for sale
f. 1. to sell* (d.); nağd pula ~ to sell* for cash (d.); bir qəpiyə (yəni çox ucuz) ~ to sell* dirty-cheap (d
i. right action; God’s reward for a person’s act or good conduct on earth; good deed, meritorious action; ~ etmək to do* a good deed, to live virtuous
i. education; reading and writing; ~ öyrənmək to learn* to read and to write
f. to be* educated, to be* given education
f. to make* smb. become educated, to give* an education (d.)
f. to become* educated, to get* education
s. literate, educated; ~ adam educated man*
i. literacy; grammatical correctness; siyasi ~ political literacy
I. s. illiterate; ungrammatical; (yazıda) full of gross spelling mistakes; ~ adam illiterate person II
i. illiteracy, ignorance; siyasi ~ political illiteracy / ignorance
i. bax dava II
f. bax dalaşdırmaq
s. bax davakar I
i. bax davakarlıq
f. bax dalaşmaq
qoş. except; besides; bundan ~ besides (that); furthermore, in addition
i. 1. number; quantity; tam ~ whole number; kəsri ~ fractional number; sadə ~ prime number; 2. qram. numeral; miqdar ~ı cardinal numeral; sıra ~ı ordi
s. 1. (parça) plain, unfigured; onecolour; ~ 2. poliqr. monochrome
z. way, method; manner; özgə ~ etmək to do* in other way, Nə sayaq edək? How shall we do it?
z. in number
f. to ask / to force smb. to count (d.)
f. bax saydırmaq
z. thanks to you, owing to you
z. thanks to him, owing to him
i. 1. (hesab çötkəsi) abacus (pl.-ci), calculating frame; 2. tex. (elektrik, qaz ölçən) meter; (maşında) speedometer, speed counter
s. careful, attentive; respectful; wellmannered
s. thoughtless, careless; inattentive, disrespectful
i. thoughtlessness, carelessness; disrespect
s. vigilant, watchful; ~ adam a vigilant man*
fs. 1. delirium, talking in one’s sleep; 2. məc. dreaming (of)
f. 1. to be* delirious, to rave; O bütün gecəni qızdırma içində sayıqladı He / She raved all night in his / her fever; Xəstə bütün gecəni sayıqladı Th
i. vigilance, watchfulness; sayıqlığı artırmaq to increase / to heighten / to redouble one’s vigilance; sayıqlığı azaltmaq to relax one’s vigilance; ~
f. 1. to be* counted / numbered; 2. (hörmət edilmək) to be* esteemed, to be* respected; to be* taken into account
I. s. counted, numbered; limited II. s. number; 55 ~ məktəb school number 55; 35 ~ otaq Room 35
f. 1. to count (d.), to number (d.), to numerate (d.), to compute (d.); 2. to consider (d.), to think* (d
i. bax saymazlıq
s. careless, thoughtless, inattentive
z. bax saymazyana
i. disrespect, lack of respect; disregard, neglect, indifference; ~ etmək / göstərmək to be* indifferent (to, towards), to treat (d
z. with indifference, indifferently, taking no notice, paying no attention, disrespectfully
f. to twinkle, to shimmer, to glimmer; Şəhərin işıqları sayrışırdı The lights of the city were twinkling
s. countless, innumerable, numberless; unlimited, endless, limitless
s. lots (of) pl., heaps (of) pl., tremendous, limitless, endless
I. i. saz (an Azerbaijani folk musical instrument like guitar); ~ çalmaq to paly the saz II. s. in good repair, in working order; ~ olmaq to be* in go