f. 1. to give*(d. to); to bestow (on, upon); to deliver (d. to); (əllə) to hand (d.); cavab ~ to answer, to give* an answer, to reply; suala cavab ~ to answer the question; məktuba cavab ~ to reply to a letter; nahar ~ to give* a dinner; ziyafət ~ to give* a party, to give* a ball; dərman ~ to give / to administer a medicine; konsert ~ to give* a concert; dərs ~ to give* a lesson; söz (vəd) ~ to give* / to pledge one’s word; (iclasda) to give* smb. the floor; borc ~ to lend* (d.); ad ~ to bestow a title (on); dosta sirr ~ to impart a secret to a friend; şəhəri düşmənə ~ to deliver the town up to the enemy; bir kəsə əmr ~ to deliver an order to smb., bir kəsi düşmənin əlinə ~ to deliver smb. into the enemy’s hands; and ~ to make* / to take* / to swear* an oath; razılıq ~ to give* consent (to); şahidlik ~ to testify, to depose, to give* evidence (to); yol ~ to make* a way (for); məc. to assume (d.); səhvə yol ~ to commit an error; yer ~ to make room (for); ixtiyar / hüquq ~ to give* the right (d.), (rəsmi) to grant / to accord the right; Sizə kim ixtiyar verib? Who gave you the right (+to inf.)? imkan ~ to enable (d.), to let (d.+inf.); to give an opportunity; otboy ~ (telefon) to ring* off; istirahət ~ to give* rest, to leave in peace; çöküntü ~ to leave* a sediment; əsas ~ to give* ground (i.+to inf.); güc ~ to give* strength, to invigorate (d.); 1) zəhmət ~ (özünə) to take* the trouble; 2) (özgəsinə) to trouble (d.); to cause inconvenience, to put* inconvenience; Sizə zəhmət verə bilərəmmi? May I trouble you? azuqə ~ to issue supplies; vəsigə ~ to give* a certificate; əmək haqqı ~ to pay* wages, to pay* a salary; işarə ~ to give* the sign (to); ərə ~ to marry (d.); to give* (d.) in marriage; məsləhət ~ to give* advice; ümid ~ to give* hope; bəhanə ~ to give* rise (to); komanda ~ hərb. to give* a command; əl ~ to hold out one’s hand (to), (qadın) to offer one’s hand (to); to shake* hands; Onlar əl verdilər They shook hands; misal ~ to set* / to give* an example; ərizə ~ to hand in an application; məhkəməyə ~ to prosecute (d.); məktəbə ~ to put* / to send* to school (d.); özünə hesabat ~ to be* aware (of, that, how), to realize (d.); əhəmiyyət ~ to give* / to pay* attention; məna ~ to mean; istefa ~ to send* in one’s resignation; hərb. to send* in one’s papers; səs ~ to vote (for); baş ~ to happen, to take place; ələ ~ to betray (d.); ürək ~ to hearten (d.), to put* heart; əmr ~ to give* orders (to), to issue an order, to deliver an order; can ~ to breathe one’s last, to be* going to die; çat ~ to crack; to split; bala ~ to breed*; dad ~ to taste (d.); iy ~ to smell (d.); (pis) to have* a foul / putrid smell; 2. to serve (d.); stola ~ to serve; Nahar verildi Dinner was served; 3. id. to serve; topu ~ to serve the ball; Ona 50 yaşdan artıq vermək olar He looks more than 50; ◊ qulaqardına ~ to turn a deaf ear; ◊ bir qulağından alıb, o biri qulağından ~ in at one ear and out at the other


Значение слова в других словарях

десантиро́вка запусте́ло песиголо́вец получа́ться по́ступь сердцее́д фа́кельный альбо́мчик по́лый прохлади́тельное стати́стика зодей камчадал пну big-city bottoming disclaim make back neatness straighten varying waftage братец дарёный усердствовать