approximate1 adj təxminən, təqribən, təxmini; ~ cost / distance təxmini qiymət / məsafə; ~ value təxmini dəyər approximate2 v təxmini yaxınlaşmaq, təx
Tam oxu »I. s. approximate, hypothetical, conjectural, presumable II. z. approximately, presumably, hypothetically
Tam oxu »s. approximate; rough; ~ rəqəm approximate figure; ~ miqdar / say approximate number
Tam oxu »...оценка en rough estimate de überschläglich Berechnung fr calcul approximatif es cálculo aproximativo it calcolo approssimativo
Tam oxu ».../ by the look of it / just by looking at it / at a guess (roughly, approximately) на глаз / на глазок / на круг (примерно, приблизительно)
Tam oxu »...СИРДАШ adj. near, nigh, bordering, close; imminent; consanguine; cognate; approximate; familiar, intimate; contiguous.
Tam oxu »adj 1. ən yaxın; bilavasitə; ~ cause bilavasitə səbəb; ~ successor ən yaxın / bilavasitə varis; 2. təxmini; ~ analysis təxmini analiz
Tam oxu »adv. approximately, thereabouts, nearly; roughly; more or less; some; more; most; much.
Tam oxu »...bənzər, bənzəyən; relatively ~ nisbi oxşar / bənzər; strikingly / approximately ~ son dərəcə / təxmini oxşar
Tam oxu »n. quintal, unit of weight measurement equal to approximately 220 pounds (100 kilograms); hundredweight, unit of measure equaling 100 pounds.
Tam oxu »n. quintal, unit of weight measurement equal to approximately 220 pounds (100 kilograms); hundredweight, unit of measure equaling 100 pounds.
Tam oxu »prep. about, next to; around, approximately; beside, near, by; next; at. КЬИЛИНПАЦАР n. somersault, forward or backward roll performed by the body. КЬ
Tam oxu »prep. about, next to; around, approximately; beside, near, by; next; at. КЬИЛИНПАЦАР n. somersault, forward or backward roll performed by the body. КЬ
Tam oxu »adv. all but; almost, approximately, nearly; half; pretty much; quasi. САКЪАВ n. glanders, farcy, type of disease which afflicts horses and mules. СА-
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