...of culture; bad manners; low level of civilization; cultural backwardness
Tam oxu »i. backwardness; lagging behind, lag; geriliyi aradan qaldırmaq to catch* up with the arrears
Tam oxu »1) n. awkwardness, clumsiness; discomfort, uneasiness; 2) n. inexperience, lack of experience.
Tam oxu »...(tədricən) to eliminate (d.); geriliyi ~dan qaldırmaq to overcome* backwardness, to put* an end to backwardness; qüsuru ~dan qaldırmaq to get* rid of
Tam oxu »i. gullibility, thoughtlessness; inactivity; awkwardness, clumsiness, slowness, slow-wittedness; ~ etmək to be* inactive; to be* not wise, to be* dott
Tam oxu »...to do* away (with); geriliyi ~dan qaldırmaq to put* an end to backwardness; ~ya almaq to surround (d.); Əsgərlər düşməni ortaya aldılar The soldiers
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