to burst out into a lot of drivel / to grind out some balderdash / to talk nonsense / to twaddle / to prate about smth. / to talk rubbish нести вздор
Tam oxu »to grind out some balderdash / to rave about smth. / to burst out into a lot of drivel / to talk rot / to talk rubbish / to babble some nonsense гор
Tam oxu »1. nonsense / twaddle / rubbish / balderdash / apple-sauce / poppycock / bullshit / hot air / soft soap / Cf. a cock-and-bull story / a mare’s nest ту
Tam oxu »I. i. nonsense, balderdash, rubbish, rot II. z.: ~ danışmaq to talk nonsense / rubbish; to talk rot
Tam oxu »...nonsense / to burst out into a lot of drivel / to grind out some balderbash пороть чушь / нести белиберду / молоть вздор / городить околесицу / нести
Tam oxu »...into a lot of drivel / to rave about smth. / to grind out some balderdash / to talk wet / to be all wet нести ахинею / городить белиберду / молоть чу
Tam oxu »...into a lot of drivel / to rave about smth. / to grind out some balderdash / to talk rot / to prate / to twaddle / to say what comes into one’s head /
Tam oxu »i. drivel, absurdity; d.d. balderdash, nonsense, trash, rot, rubbish; (yalan) stuff and nonsense; hər cür ~ all sorts of nonsense; small / trifling ma
Tam oxu »...into a lot of drivel / to rave about smth. / to grind out some balderdash / to talk rot / to prate / to twaddle пороть околесицу / нести ахинею / гов
Tam oxu »