to give smth. lavishly / to hand out (distribute) smth. with a bountiful hand щедрой рукой (раздавать не скупясь)
Tam oxu »adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent.
Tam oxu »1 adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; 2) adj. large-hearted, magnanimous, genero
Tam oxu »1 adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; 2) adj. large-hearted, magnanimous, genero
Tam oxu »...гъилин кӀвалах hand work; гъил ахъа adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; гъил кӀ
Tam oxu »...гъилин кӀвалах hand work; гъил ахъа adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; гъил кӀ
Tam oxu »