n 1. həyəcan, çaxnaşma, təşviş, vəlvələ; 2. sarsıntı; sarsıma; ~ of the nerves əsəb sarsıntısı; ~ of the spirits ruhi sarsıntı; 3
Tam oxu »to make a lot of noise / to cause a panic (commotion) поднять шум-гам (переполох)
Tam oxu »to make a lot of noise / to cause a panic (commotion) поднять шум-гам (переполох)
Tam oxu »to cause a panic (commotion) / to make a splash / to make a matter наделать шуму / вызывать переполох (волнение)
Tam oxu »to set up an alarm / to create a panic / to put in commotion вселять тревогу / создавать переполох / вызывать панику
Tam oxu »a wild revelry / a wild rumpus / hullaballoo / a regular uproar (commotion) дым коромыслом / ад кромешный (шум, гам, беспорядок, суматоха)
Tam oxu »to cause a panic / to cause a commotion / to be all the fuss about поднялся сильный переполох / загорелся сыр-бор
Tam oxu »...things moved on / things look their normal course / a bustle (commotion, flurry) started * и пошло-поехало (началось, о чём-либо длительном и неприят
Tam oxu »n 1. ümumilik, birlik; 2. şair. əlaqə, rabitə; close ~ with nature təbiətlə sıx əlaqə; ~ with one’s fellows yoldaşları ilə əlaqə
Tam oxu »a wild revelry (rumpus, hullaballoo) / regular uproar (commotion) / a din / an uproar / a racket / a turmoil / hurly-burly / the clouds of dust дым ко
Tam oxu »...cause a confusion / to throw someone into a panic / to cause a commotion 1. вызвать суету / суматоху / переполох (встревожить, разволновать, переполо
Tam oxu »is. alarme f, alerte f, tumulte m, confusion f, désarroi m, commotion f ; ~ salmaq semer le désarroi ; ~ya salmaq mettre en désarroi
Tam oxu »...storm, squall, tempest, gale; hurricane; 2) n. scandal, affray, fracas, commotion.
Tam oxu »n. scandal, affray, fracas, commotion; чуьруькар авун v. brawl, participate in a noisy fight;
Tam oxu »n. scandal, affray, fracas, commotion; чуьруькар авун v. brawl, participate in a noisy fight;
Tam oxu »n. bustle, commotion, uproar, lively activity; челек-фелек хьун v. scurry, bustle, run or move quickly.
Tam oxu »n. bustle, commotion, uproar, lively activity; челек-фелек хьун v. scurry, bustle, run or move quickly.
Tam oxu »i. alarm, panic, commotion, rumpus, anxiety; excitement; ~ salmaq to set* up an alarm / anxiety, to arouse alarm, to create a panic, to put* / to set*
Tam oxu »...roughness; Dənizdə təlatüm var The sea is rough / choppy; 2. məc. commotion, perturbation; ~ə gətirmək to perturb (d.), to cause to worry greatly
Tam oxu »adv 1. uzaq, uzaqda, uzaqlarda; ~ from the commotion çaxnaşmadan / hərc-mərclikdən / hay-küydən uzaq; ~ from excitement həyəcandan uzaq; 2. tək, tək-
Tam oxu »i. 1. crowd, gathering; 2. noise, uproar, hubbub; scandal; commotion; hurly-burly; ~ qaldırmaq to make* / to kick a noise / a row / scandal / uproar;
Tam oxu »n. scandal, affray, fracas, commotion; ам шулугь квайди я he rowdy; шулугъ авун v. brawl, participate in a noisy fight; act up, rough house; шулугъ ту
Tam oxu »...communication, intercourse; companionship, fellowship; association, society; communion; 2) n. attachment; affection; love.
Tam oxu »1) n. community; fellowship; network; 2) n. communion; solidarity, community; alliance; sympathy; 3) n. participation, involvement; partaking, partner
Tam oxu »...type of large sofa; divan, large couch with no back or ends; 2) n. communion table; throne; altar; see.
Tam oxu »...make hurly-burly (a confusion) / to cause a panic / to cause a commotion / to make a noise / to alarm to agitate someone ставить (поставить, поднять)
Tam oxu »...communication, intercourse; companionship, fellowship; association, society; communion.
Tam oxu »...salmaq) to create / to make* an uproar; 3) (hay-haray qopartmaq) to make* commotion (about); ~ salmaq: 1) (səs salmaq) to make* noise; 2) (qalmaqal s
Tam oxu »...cérébraux ; ~ qırışları circonvultions fpl du cerveau ; ~ sarsıntısı commotion f du cerveau ; ~ qabığı substence f corticale du cerveau ; ~ qişası me
Tam oxu »