...1. titrətmək, əsdirmək, tərpətmək, silkələmək; The island was convulsed by an earthquake Zəlzələ adam titrətdi / silkələdi; 2. ürpəşdirmək, qıc etmək
Tam oxu »...laughter coşğun gülüş; 2. dağıdıcı, məhvedici; The French Revolution was a convulsive historical event Fransa inqilabı dağıdıcı tarixi hadisə idi
Tam oxu »converse1 n əks, əksi olma; Empty is the converse of full Empty (boş) full (dolu)-nun əksidir converse2 adj əksinə, əks; ~ opinion zidd / əks fikir; I
Tam oxu »...yazılan iki sözü qarışdırmaq; 3. çaşdırmaq, aldatmaq; We tried to confuse the enemy by swimming along the river Biz çay uzunu / boyunca üzməklə düşmə
Tam oxu ».../ to seize (d.) by the ear(s); 2. (pıçıldaşmaq) to whisper, to converse in whispers
Tam oxu »...1) v. curve, bend; bow, bend down; fold; inflect 2) v. writhe, convulse; 3) v. torment, torture, agonize, persecute; fret, worry; grill, interrogate
Tam oxu »...1) v. curve, bend; bow, bend down; fold; inflect 2) v. writhe, convulse; 3) v. torment, torture, agonize, persecute; fret, worry; grill, interrogate
Tam oxu »to converse in friendly fashion (to talk amicably) вести задушевную беседу (дружелюбно разговаривать)
Tam oxu »...subtend; draw off; contract, constrict; 2) shrivel, shrink 3) writhe, convulse; 4) narrow one's eyes.
Tam oxu »to lead astray (to confuse matters) смешать все карты (ввести в заблуждение)
Tam oxu »to converse in whispers / to whisper to someone in the corner говорить по углам
Tam oxu »...to roar with laughter / to split one’s sides with laughter / to be convulsed валяться со смеху / кататься со смеху / корчиться от смеха
Tam oxu »to put someone to the blush / to make someone blush (to confuse, embarrass someone) бросать в краску / вгонять в краску (приводя в смущение, заставлят
Tam oxu »to circumambulate / Cf. to beat about the bush / to confuse the issue (to dawdle, to mess about) петли вязать / ходить вокруг да около / канителиться
Tam oxu »...someone in a quandary to baffle someone / to muddle someone (to confuse someone) сбивать с толку
Tam oxu »f. to mislead* (d.), to confuse (d. with); bir kəsi ~ to mislead* smb., to confuse smb.
Tam oxu »to cause to be mistaken / to confuse someone / to baffle someone / to muddle someone / to throw someone off course / to put someone off his stroke / t
Tam oxu »zərf. d’une manière embrouillée (illisible, confuse) ; vaguement ; d’une manière chaotique \ka-\], (incohérente)
Tam oxu »...partlayışından) shell-shock; (sarsıntı) concussion; ~ etmək to contuse (d.); (partlayış nəticəsində) to shell-shock (d.)
Tam oxu »...for smth. real); 2. wrong; ~ salmaq 1) to mix up (d. with), to confuse (d. with); 2) to exchange
Tam oxu »f. to shame (d.), to put* to shame (d.), to make* ashamed (of) (d.); to confuse (d.), to put* out of countenance (d.)
Tam oxu »s.: ~ etmək to mix up (d.), to muddle up (d.); ~ salmaq to confuse (d.); ~ olmaq to be* confused, to be* at a loss
Tam oxu »-и; ж. (лат. convulsio); обычно мн.: конвульсии, -ий. Судорога. Забиться в конвульсиях. Биться в последних конвульсиях (публиц.; о последней стадии су
Tam oxu »...has got tangled; ~ etmək to (en)tangle (d.); məc. to muddle up (d.), to confuse (d.)
Tam oxu »f. to put* out (d.), to confuse (d.), to mislead* (d.), to cause to be mistaken; O, sayırdı, siz onu çaşdırdınız He / She was counting, you put him /
Tam oxu »...confused, to feel* / to be* upset (over); ~ etmək to disappoint (d.), to confuse (d.), to throw* into confusion (d.), to upset (d.)
Tam oxu »s.: ~ salmaq to confuse (d.), to mix up (d.), to take* by mistake; ~ düşmək to be* confused / mixed up / taken by mistake; bir kəsi ~ salmaq to take*
Tam oxu »...up (d.); sapı ~ to tangle threads; saçı ~ to tangle hair; 2. məc. to confuse (d.); bir kəsi ~ to confuse smb.; to put* out (d.); Mən sayırdım, siz mə
Tam oxu »to confuse someone / to baffle someone / to muddle someone / to throw someone off course / to put someone off his stroke / to put someone in a quandar
Tam oxu »