adv həyəcanla, təşvişlə, narahatlıqla, həyəcanlı, həyəcan içində, əsəbi, əsəbi halda
Tam oxu »to be agitated / to get (to be, to become) excited испытывать прилив сил (возбуждаться, вдохновляться)
Tam oxu »to get excited / to be in agitation / to fuss about smth. (to bustle) закопошиться (засуетиться)
Tam oxu »to get into a panic / to be in a state of anxiety (to gеt excited, alarmed) переполошиться (встревожиться, быть охваченным страхом)
Tam oxu »to be (to get) highly excited / to be in raptures over smth. (to enjoy oneself enormously) стоять на ушах (приходить в крайнее возбуждение, восторг)
Tam oxu »f. 1. bax qızınmaq; 2. to get* angry / excited, to become* excited / heated, to increase in fury
Tam oxu »’s heart is heavy / to suffer a great grief or anxiety (to be excited, worry) душа (сердце, голова) горит / сердце (душа) болит (нервничать, раздр
Tam oxu »v sakitləşmək; sakitləşdirmək; The excited girl quickly calmed down Həyəcanlanmış qız tezliklə sakitləşdi
Tam oxu »...imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited.
Tam oxu »...imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited.
Tam oxu »...imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited.
Tam oxu »...imperturbability, calmness, incapa bility of being easily disturbed or excited.
Tam oxu »...imperturbability, calmness, incapa bility of being easily disturbed or excited.
Tam oxu »...imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited; 2) n. meekness; placability.
Tam oxu »...d.d. shudder, shiver, tremble; canına ~ düşmək 1) to get* nervous / excited; 2) to get* frightened, to be* afraid
Tam oxu »...(d.), to ignite (d.) to cause to flame (d.); məc. to cause to get excited / into a temper
Tam oxu »...(həyacanlanma) agitation; emotion; ~a gəlmək to become* / to get* / to be* excited, to be* agitated
Tam oxu »...foamy; 3. (coşmaq, hirslənmək) to stir, to become* agitated / excited, to get* / to become* furious
Tam oxu »...flushed; to burn (with); ehtirasdan ~ to burn with passion, to get* excited, to get* into a temper / passion
Tam oxu »I. f. 1. to become* aired; 2. to get* excited, to get* angry, to get* into a temper; 3. (hava) to get* warm(er) II. f. to get* / to become* mad, to go
Tam oxu »* heated; to get redhot; 2. (acıqlanmaq) to be* irritated, to get* excited / angry, to fly* into a rage; ürəyi ~ to trust (d. to), to entrust (intr
Tam oxu »...salmaq, əsəbiləşdirmək, təşvişə salmaq, narahat etmək; The news excited them Xəbər onları həyəcanlandırdı; Don’t excite yourself Həyəcanlanma! / Həyə
Tam oxu »...agitation, excitation; excitement; güclü ~ keçirmək to be* extremely / greatly excited; ~lı olmaq to be* alarmed / anxious / uneasy / perturbed; ~ ya
Tam oxu » create / to make* an uproar; to lose* one’s goat idiom.; 2. to get* excited; to get* into a temper / passion, to lose* one’s temper; 3. (qaynamağa
Tam oxu »...create a panic, to put* / to set* in commotion; ~yə düşmək to get* excited / alarmed, to be* in / to get* into a panic (about), to be* in a state of
Tam oxu »I. s. excited; unrestrained; (özünü saxlaya bilməyən) boiling (over), seething, ebullient, overflowing, passionate (narahat); (aşıb-daşan) exuberant;
Tam oxu »...put* to the sword (d.); həyəcan ~ to be* alarmed, to get* / to be* excited; qorxu hissi ~ to feel* / to experience fear; xəstəlik ~ to have* an illne
Tam oxu »