v 1. hörmək, burmaq, burdurmaq (saçı); 2. burulmaq, qıvrılmaq: 3. qızartmaq (fışıltı ilə); 4. yandırmaq; to get ~d yanmaq, yandırmaq (özünü)
Tam oxu »frizz1 n 1. qıvrım saçlar: 2. bərk burulmuş parik (qoyma / süni saç) frizz2 v 1. hörmək, burmaq, burdurmaq (saçı); 2. qıvrılmaq, burulmaq (saç haq.)
Tam oxu »s. 1. curly; (xırda) frizzy: ~ saç curly hair; (xırda) frizzy hair; 2. twisted; ~ cığır twisted path
Tam oxu »...a cool, ~ day serin çisəkli / çiskinli / bir gün; It was a drizzly and cold day when I arrived in London Mən Londona çatanda çiskinli və soyuq bir gü
Tam oxu »one’s husband is beaten to a pulp (to a frazzle, to a mummy) by his wife шутл. жена не оставила живого места на муже
Tam oxu »...dead-beat / to be dog-sick / to be knackered / to be worn to a frazzle = устать как собака
Tam oxu »...прахом (не осуществиться); 2. come to nought / come to nothing / to fizzle / to collapse взлететь на воздух / закончиться пшиком (пойти насмарку)
Tam oxu »grizzle1 n 1. boz rəng; 2. ağ tük, ağ / çal saç, ağarmış / çallaşmış saç; 3. çiy kərpic grizzle2 adj 1. boz; 2. çal, çallaşmış grizzle3 v I 1. bozartm
Tam oxu »drizzle1 n xırda / narın yağış, çiskin drizzle2 v çisəmək, çiskinləmək, narın / xırda yağmaq (yağış haq.); It often drizzles in Autumn Payızda tez-tez
Tam oxu »...come to naught / Cf. to go to pot / Amer. to go to grass / to fizzle идти насмарку / закончиться пшиком (заканчиваться впустую, безрезультатно)
Tam oxu »one is beaten to a pulp (to a frazzle, to a mummy) / one is beaten black and blue / there isn’t a whole spot on someone / smth. is smashed to a pulp ж
Tam oxu »s. gathered, frilly; ~ paltar a frilly dress; (parça) goffered; (dəmir, kağız) cor rugated; ~ yaxalıq goffered collar; ~ dəmir corrugated iron
Tam oxu »one is beaten to a pulp / one is beaten to a frazzle / one is beaten to a mummy / one is beaten black and blue / there isn’t a whole spot on someone /
Tam oxu »to beat someone to a mummy (to a frazzle, to a pulp) / to beat the shit out of someone / to beat someone up / Cf. to mess up / to waste / to wax избит
Tam oxu »...bits разбить в пух и в прах; 2. one is beaten to a pulp (to a frazzle, to a mummy) / one is beaten black and blue / there isn’t a whole spot on someo
Tam oxu »1) adj. grey, grizzly; leaden; wan; цӀару вилер gray eyes; 2) adj. dappled, spotted, mottled; checkered; variegated.
Tam oxu »...express disapproval or derision by making a hissing sound; fizz, fizzle; sizzle, produce a hissing sound.
Tam oxu »...(Slang). БУДКА n. cabin; cab; booth; cope; shack. БУЗ adj. grey, grizzly; leaden; wan.
Tam oxu »...exhausted, worn out; fatigued, drained; шулу авун a) v. jade, exhaust; frazzle; b) v. torment, torture, agonize, persecute; fret, worry; grill, inter
Tam oxu »...atmospheric moisture that form on cool surfaces (especially at night); 2) n. drizzle, light rain, mizzle; чиг ква v. it drizzles; it is misting; чиг
Tam oxu »...disappointed / to get nothing for one’s pains / Cf. to be out of it / to fizzle (to flat, to crap, to conk, to peter) out / to go down swinging / to
Tam oxu ».../ to break one’s neck trying to do smth. / to work oneself to a frazzle / to try one’s damnedest / to turn oneself inside out to do smth. / to strain
Tam oxu »...rage ; malice, spite, malevolence; хъел авун a) v. be capricious; grizzle, cry, whine; b) v. resent; be aggrieved, take offense; хъел хьун dispute, a
Tam oxu »...rage ; malice, spite, malevolence; хъел авун a) v. be capricious; grizzle, cry, whine; b) v. resent; be aggrieved, take offense; хъел хьун dispute, a
Tam oxu »...rage ; malice, spite, malevolence; хъел авун a) v. be capricious; grizzle, cry, whine; b) v. resent; be aggrieved, take offense; хъел хьун dispute, a
Tam oxu »...expenses; everyday expenses; ~ qum fine sand; ~ yağış drizzling rain, drizzle; ~ oğurluq petty larceny; pilferage; ~ təsərrüfat small / petty farming
Tam oxu ».../ to break one’s neck trying to do smth. / to work oneself to a frazzle / Cf. to try one’s damnedest / to turn oneself inside out to do smth. разбива
Tam oxu »