n 1. k.t. inkubator; 2. suiqəsdçi, intriqan, intriqaçı, fitnə-fəsad tö rədən şəxs, iblis
Tam oxu »n 1. balta, çapacaq; 2. iri bıçaq, ət / mətbəx bıçağı; ◊ to bury the ~ silahı yerə qoymaq, sülhə gəlmək; to dig / to take up the ~ müharibəyə başlamaq
Tam oxu »He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. Делая зло другим, на добро не надейся.
Tam oxu »...sell its skin. / Cf. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Не продавай шкуру неубитого медведя.
Tam oxu »...has caught the bear. / Count one’s chickens before they are hatched. / Cook the hare before catching him. / Eat the calf in the cow’s belly. Делить ш
Tam oxu »You’ll pay for my (our) tears! / He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. / Cf. Curses prove choke pears to those that plant them. / Curses like ch
Tam oxu »I. i. mischief-maker, mischief-hatcher, trouble-maker; (provokator) provocateur; stool-pigeon bot.; provoker, instigator II. s. mischief-making, misch
Tam oxu »f. faire battre, faire couper ; faire fendre ; faire hacher ; faire trancher, faire couper en tranches
Tam oxu »...payızda sayarlar at. söz. ≅ Count one’s chickens before they are hatched, Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched II. s.: ~ yeri (hini) chi
Tam oxu »f. abattre vt, couper vt ; odun ~ fendre du bois ; ət ~ hacher la viande çörək ~ couper (trancher) le pain
Tam oxu »i. witchery; ~ etmək to display witchery, to act / to behave as a hag, to act like a hag
Tam oxu »I. i. 1. axe (dülgər ~ sı) bench axe; (balaca) hatchet; ◊ ~nı dibindən vurmaq məc. to ruin / to destroy smth., to set* the axe to smth.; 2. (qazma bal
Tam oxu »n. hatchway, scuttle, opening through which passengers or cargo may pass (especially in a ship); manhole, opening with a removable cover through which
Tam oxu »i. shamanism; witchcraft; witchery; ~ etmək to be* a shaman, to practise shamanism
Tam oxu »...machine toxumsəpən maşın; ~ spade k.t. əkmək / basdırmaq üçün bel; ~ hatchet k.t. basdırmaq üçün toxa; 2. toxumluq; ~ potatoes toxumluq kartof
Tam oxu »(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. brood, group of young born or hatched at the same time (especially of birds); covey, flock of birds; pack, group of animals (espe
Tam oxu »...has caught the bear / to count one’s chickens before they are hatched / to cook the hare before catching him / to eat the calf in the cow’s belly дел
Tam oxu »i. 1. slaughter, butchery, carnage; bloodshed; ~ düşmək bax qırılmaq; 2. (heyvanlarda) loss of cattle, cattleplague, murrian
Tam oxu »n. slaughterhouse, butchery, establishment where animals are butchered for food; massacre, bloodbath, slaughter, battue, slaughter of the helpless and
Tam oxu »...others, or you will fall in it yourself. / Cf. He that miscief hatches, mischief catches. / Curses like chickens come home to roost. Сделаешь зло дру
Tam oxu »...you make your bed, so you must lie on it. / He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. / A bad beginning makes a bad ending. / Who breaks, pays. Как
Tam oxu »...you make your bed, so you must lie on it. / He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. / A bad beginning makes a bad ending. / Who breaks, pays. =
Tam oxu »Never (don’t) count your chickens until (before) they are hatched. / Cf. Never cackle till your egg is laid. / Gut no fish till you get them. / Never
Tam oxu »...damı; ~ feed toyuq yemi; ◊ to count one’s ~s before they are hatched cücəni yumurtadan çıxmamış saymaq
Tam oxu »...cutting tool, adzge(d)-tool; (soyuq silah) cold steel, side-arms; hatchet; 2. (itilik) acuteness, acuity, sharpness; 3. məc. (təsir qüvvəsi) efficacy
Tam oxu »...parça-parça ~ couper en pièces, trancher (à) ; zol-zol ~ émietter vt ; hacher vt (à) ; çəpərlə ~ enclore vt, entourer d’une clôture diplomatik əlaqəl
Tam oxu »...passer ; faire traverser, faire franchir ; 2) əti maşından ~ hacher la viande ; 3) nommer à un autre emploi ; placer vt dans de nouvelles conditions,
Tam oxu »...iştirak edənləri saymaq; to ~ one’s chickens before they are hatched ≅ çayı keçməmiş, hop demək, payız gəlməmiş cücələri saymaq
Tam oxu »