fs. 1. unfinished, incomplete; ~ hekayə unfinished story; ~ reaksiya kim. incomplete reaction; 2. qram. imperfect; ~ zaman imperfect tense; ~ tərz imp
Tam oxu »sif. inachevé, -e, incompl||et, -ète ; ~ hekayə un récit inachevé ; une histoire incomplète ; ~ reaksiya kim. réaction f incomplète ; qram. imparfait,
Tam oxu »s. incomplete, imperfect, unfinished; ~ bilik imperfect knowledge; ~ müvəffəqiyyət incomplete success; ~ orta məktəb incomplete secondary school
Tam oxu »sif. incompl//et, -ète ; imparfait, -e ; ~ bilik connaissance f imparfaite ; ~siyahı liste f incomplète ; ~ müvəffəqiyyət succès m imparfait
Tam oxu »s. unfinished, incomplete, imperfect, not perfect, not full; ~ iş unfinished work; ~ bilik incomplete / imperfect knowledge; ~ cavab imperfect answer
Tam oxu »1) adj. incomplete, deficient; inadequate, insufficient; 2) adj. immature, puerile; unripe, green; embryonic.
Tam oxu »s. defective, faulty; imperfect, incomplete; ~ tələffüz defective pronunciation; Tərcümə qüsurludur The translation is defective; ~ aparat faulty appa
Tam oxu »...(qalıqlı) (i.s.) with a remnant / a remainder; 3. (naqis) imperfect, incomplete; 4. riyaz. fractional
Tam oxu »sif. 1) défectueu//x, -e, ayant le défaut ; 2) avec le défaut ; 3) incompl||et, -ète, imperfectible ; 4) riyaz. fractionnaire adj
Tam oxu »I. s. unfinished, half-made; half done, partly done II. z. incompletely, imperfectly
Tam oxu »complete1 adj 1. bütöv, tam; ~ set tam / bütöv dəst; ~ edition of Shakespeare’s works Şekspirin əsərlərinin tam / bütöv nəşri; ~ disarmament tam silah
Tam oxu »sif. partiel, -le, fragmentaire, incompl//et, - ète ; ~ tutulma éclipse f partielle
Tam oxu »ру комплектная установка en complete plant de vollständige Anlage fr installation complète es instalación completa it impianto completo
Tam oxu »I. s. unfinished, incomplete, not perfect, half-and-half II. z. just, hardly; O, imtahanını yarım-yarımçıq verdi He / She just managed to pass his / h
Tam oxu »adj. incomplete, deficient; inadequate, insufficient; эксик авун v. reduce, diminish, lessen; lower, take off, scale down, narrow; abate, impair, remi
Tam oxu »someone wants to complete one’s conversation * прокладывать дорогу к финалу (заканчивать разговор)
Tam oxu »oaf / clonk / nitwit / dumbdumb / numskull /perfect fool / complete idiot олух царя небесного
Tam oxu »s. complete, perfect; ~ etmək to complete (d.), to make* (d.) perfect; ~ bağlamaq to bundle up (d.)
Tam oxu »sif. adj incompl//et, -ète ; imparfait, -e ; défectueu//x, -se ; défecti//f, -ve ; ~ fellər verbes m défectifs ; ~ olmaq être défectueu//x, -se ; être
Tam oxu »...1. dishonestly, disgracefully; 2. carelessly, light-heartedly, with complete unconcern
Tam oxu »1) full, complete, total, perfect, whole, everywhere defined 2) adj. charged, loaded.
Tam oxu »1) full, complete, total, perfect, whole, everywhere defined 2) adj. charged, loaded.
Tam oxu »n silahsızlaşdırma, tərk-silah; general and complete ~ tam və hamılıqla tərk-silah
Tam oxu »fs. 1. finished, ended, complete; 2. qram. perfect; ~ tərz perfect aspect; ~ zaman perfect tense
Tam oxu »n (pl -ses) 1. fəls. antitezis; 2. tam əkslik; striking / complete ~ kəskin / tam əkslik
Tam oxu »I. s. absolute, unconditional, complete; ◊ ~ refleks unconditional reflex II. z. unconditionally, undoubtedly
Tam oxu »fi. 1. destruction, demolition, tam ~ complete / utter destruction; 2. dispersion, scattering; 3. ravage, devastation, ruin; squandering
Tam oxu »