is. 1) stérilité f ; 2) aridité f, infertilité f (torpaq haqq.) ; infructuosité f
Tam oxu »is. improductivité f ; mauvaise récolte f ; infertilité f ; stérilité f ; infécondité f
Tam oxu »n 1. münbitlik, məhsuldarlıq, bərəkət; ~ of soil torpağın münbitliyi; 2. bolluq, çoxluq, zənginlik; ~ of thought fikir zənginliyi
Tam oxu »1) n. fertility, fecundity, fruitfulness; richness; 2) n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility;
Tam oxu »i. (müxt. mənalarda) richness; (torpaq, təxəyyül) fertility; (calal, təmtaraq) richness, resplendence
Tam oxu »...abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot.
Tam oxu »...abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot.
Tam oxu »1) n. fertility, fecundity, fruitfulness; richness; 2) n. welfare, well being; wealth, weal, prosperity; health.
Tam oxu »adv. eat cold food; яван авун v. overcrop, deplete the fertility of the land by overproduction of crops; яван хьун v. waste away, atrophy, emaciate; w
Tam oxu »