adj I çəkməsiz, ayaqyalın, yalınayaq, ayaqqabısız adj II mənasız, boş, əbəs, səmərəsiz, faydasız; ~ care mənasız / faydasız qayğı; ~ effort boş / əbəs
Tam oxu »...sərinliyi, 2. soyuqqanlılıq, sakitlik; 3. soyuqluq; There is a coolness between the two friends İki dost arasında bir soyuqluq var
Tam oxu »adj 1. ayaqsız; 2. boş, əsası olmayan; ~ fancies boş arzular; 3. d.d. mənasız, cəfəng, sarsaq, səfeh, axmaq; ~ rule mənasız qayda
Tam oxu »s. stagnant, immovable, motionless, still; ~ su stagnant water; ~ hava still air; ~ olmaq to be* stagnant
Tam oxu »rolling stones / rootless creatures / tramps / Amer. hobos без роду и племени (деклассированные личности, бродяги)
Tam oxu »without kith or kin / rootless and homeless * без роду и племени (без родных и близких)
Tam oxu »s. inactive, inoperative, immovable, motionless, still, fixed; ~ baxış fixed stare / look; ~ ulduz fixed star; ~ hava still air
Tam oxu »I. s. (i.s.) without irony; mockless II. z. without irony, without mock; ~ danışmaq to speak* without irony / mock
Tam oxu »...(из низшего класса, сословия); 2. (yetim) without kith or kin / rootless and homeless без роду-племени (без родных и близких); 3. (avaralar) rolling
Tam oxu »s. manless; husbandless; widowed; ~ arvad a widow; ~ ailə / ev a family / a household without a male; ~ məclis a company with no man
Tam oxu »there is a coolness between them / they have fallen out over smth. / they have fallen out with each other / something has come between them чёрная кош
Tam oxu »there is a coolness between them / they have fallen out over smth. / they have fallen out with each other / something has come between them (to break
Tam oxu »...ownerless, derelict, unowned; 2) adj. homeless; unhoused, shelterless, roofless; waif, outcast, stray.
Tam oxu »...ownerless, derelict, unowned; 2) adj. homeless; unhoused, shelterless, roofless; waif, outcast, stray.
Tam oxu »s. bendless, curveless; crookless; hookless; (i.s.) without a bend, (i.s.) without a bending / a curve / a crook
Tam oxu »I. s. open, overt, uncovered; roofless II. z. plainly, frankly, overtly; ~ danışmaq to speak* plainly / frankly, to speak* in plain terms
Tam oxu »I. i. the cool, coolness; axşamın ~i evening cool, the cool of the evening; axşamın ~ində in the cool of the evening II. s. cool; fresh; chilly; ~ səh
Tam oxu »