There is nowhere the land better than our Motherland. Нет в мире краше Родины нашей.
Tam oxu »Lit. The native land is Motherland, the strange (alien) land - stepmother. Родная сторона - мать, чужая - мачеха.
Tam oxu »...məc.) hearth; 2. dwelling; domicile; 3. native land, homeland, motherland, mother country, fatherland; (doğulduğu yer) birthplace; ~unu qorumaq to de
Tam oxu »...çıxmaq / olmaq to turn traitor; vətənə ~ olmaq to be* a traitor to one’s motherland / country II. s. treacherous, traitorous, treasonable; ~ zabit tr
Tam oxu »n. native land, motherland, homeland, country one was born and raised in. ВАТАНПЕРЕС n. patriot, one who is faithful to his nation, one who loves his
Tam oxu »