i. phlegm; ~ini təmizləmək (hayxırmaq) to cough up phlegm; to clear the phlegm from one’s throat
Tam oxu »n. phlegm, mucus; sputum, saliva and other matter that is spat from the mouth; expectoration, expulsion of phlegm from the lungs or throat.
Tam oxu »n. phlegm, mucus; sputum, saliva and other matter that is spat from the mouth; expectoration, expulsion of phlegm from the lungs or throat.
Tam oxu »n. phlegm, mucus; sputum, saliva and other matter that is spat from the mouth; expectoration, expulsion of phlegm from the lungs or throat.
Tam oxu »n. phlegm, mucus; sputum, saliva and other matter that is spat from the mouth; expectoration, expulsion of phlegm from the lungs or throat.
Tam oxu »is. [yun. phlegma – selik] Hippokratın aşkar etdiyi dörd temperamentdən biri; soyuqqanlı, laqeyd, süst, key adam haqqında.
Tam oxu »[yun. phlegma-selik] флегматик (къайиз эгечӀдай, къайи, суст, кей касдин гьакъинда).
Tam oxu »-ы; ж. (от греч. phlegmonē - воспаление); мед. Гнойное воспаление подкожной или межмышечной клетчатки.
Tam oxu »-ы; ж. (от греч. phlegma - слизь, мокрота) 1) = флегматизм Всё делает не торопясь, с присущей ему флегмой. 2) разг. О флегматичном человеке.
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