adv açıq, açıq-aydın, apaçıq; The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village Kənddən dağın zirvələri açıq-aydın görünür
Tam oxu »adj sakit, dinc, ahəstə, aram; rahat; ~ temperament sakit xarakter; ~ smile ahəstə / sakit təbəssüm; the ~ surface of the lake gölün sakit səthi
Tam oxu »plain to see (plainly / clearly visible) видно как на ладони
Tam oxu »An honest tale speeds best being plainly told. Самое лучшее - прямо и просто сказанное слово.
Tam oxu »to be placid (quiet, confident, sure) чувствовать полное удовлетворение, успокоение (быть совершенно спокойным, уверенным)
Tam oxu »...daylight (as day, as noonday) / terse and clear / perfectly (quite) plainly яснее ясного
Tam oxu »to tell someone smth. plainly (in plain terms) / not to mince matters в бровь резать (сказать прямо, без обиняков)
Tam oxu »in no uncertain terms (openly, plainly, candidly, frankly, bluntly, rudely, unceremoniously) * открытым текстом (без утайки, без обиняков, прямо, груб
Tam oxu »plainly speaking / to tell the truth / to be truthful / the trut is откровенно говоря / говоря начистоту / по правде говоря / сказать правду
Tam oxu »...roofless II. z. plainly, frankly, overtly; ~ danışmaq to speak* plainly / frankly, to speak* in plain terms
Tam oxu »...daylight (as day, as noonday) / terse and clear / perfectly (quite) plainly / in black and white / it’s natural / it’s clear / of course / certainly
Tam oxu »1) abroach 2) adv. distinctly; audibly; 3) adv. openly, overtly; plainly; roundly, completely; unreservedly.
Tam oxu »z. 1. bax aydın II; 2. openly, plainly; ~ danışmaq to speak* openly; ~ cavab vermək to answer frankly
Tam oxu »z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* plainly, to speak* in plain terms, to speak* without beating about the bush
Tam oxu »1) adj. placid, serene, halcyon, impassive, calm; 2) adj. reckless, heedless; negligent; light- hearted, nonchalant, easygoing; thoughtless.
Tam oxu » the point / to speak simply and straight out (to tell smth. plainly) без каруселей / в бровь резать / без обиняков / напрямик (сказать открыто, пр
Tam oxu »...go there II. z. well; properly; decently; (aydın, anlaşıqlı) plainly; ~ danışmaq to speak* plainly
Tam oxu »...frank, undisguised; 2. evident, obvious II. z. 1. quite openly / plainly, overtly; ~ hərəkət etmək to act quite openly; ~ danışmaq to speak* quite op
Tam oxu »I. s. quiet, calm, placid; easy-tempered; peaceful, peaceable; ~ söhbət peaceful conversation; ~ razılaşma a peaceable agreement; ~ həyat a quiet life
Tam oxu »...still; ~ olmaq to be* quiet; ~ durmamaq to be* not tranquilly / placid; to have* no peace; bir kəsi ~ qoymamaq to let* smb. have no peace
Tam oxu »adj 1. görünən; aydın, aşkar; asan fərqləndirilən; plainly / clearly / easily ~ aydın / dəqiq / asan fərqləndirilən; ~ to the naked eye adi gözlə görü
Tam oxu »...licentious; açıq-saçıq yaşayış licentious living II. z. 1. openly, plainly; açıqsaçıq danışmaq to speak* openly; 2. boldly, shamelessly, licentiously
Tam oxu ».../ cosy arm-chair; ~ otaq cosy room; 2. quiet, calm tranquil; placid; serene; ~ buraxmaq to leave* smb. alone / in peace; ~ etmək to calm (d.), to qui
Tam oxu »