n 1. artma, çoxalma, doğub törəmə, törəyib artma; çoxaltma, artırma; ~ by cuttings bağ. qələmlə / çiliklə artırma / çoxaltma; 2
Tam oxu »...of meals yeməklərin hazırlanması; You can’t pass an exam without preparation Hazırlıqsız imtahan vermək olmaz; 2. dərs hazırlama
Tam oxu »n 1. yayan, yayıcı, intişar etdirən; 2. kultivator (torpaqyumşaldan maşın); mikroorqanizmlər yetişdirmək üçün cihaz; 3
Tam oxu »...growth, increase, reproduction in quantity; 2. biol. reproduction, propagation; cinsi ~ sexual reproduction
Tam oxu »is. diffusion f ; propagation f ; expansion f, extension f ; nüvə silahının ~sı expansion de l’arme nucléaire
Tam oxu »...smth. on the spur of the moment (to do smth. easily, without any preparation, as one goes along) на ходу (делать что-либо тут же, без предварительной
Tam oxu »...right from the start (to do smth. at the first try, without any preparation, pause, etc.) с ходу (делать что-либо без промедления, сразу же)
Tam oxu »...play (to sing, to recite, etc.) without a rehearsal (without any preparation) с листа (без подготовки, имея перед собой текст или ноты, читать, петь,
Tam oxu »I. i. 1. preparation (for); training (for); kadr hazırlığı training of personnel; hərbi ~ battle training; amer. combat instruction / training; 2. sta
Tam oxu »is. 1) préparation f ; formation f ; préparatifs m pl ; training m ; kadr hazırlığı formation des cadres ; hərbi ~ préparation militaire ; ~ kursu cou
Tam oxu »is. préparation f ; taxıl ~ü stockage m de blé ; ~ etmək stocker, faire provision de
Tam oxu »n. preparation, act of getting ready, act of preparing; arrangement, act of putting in order .
Tam oxu »n. preparation, act of getting ready, act of preparing; arrangement, act of putting in order .
Tam oxu »...at haphazard / to do smth. for effect (to do smth. without serious preparation) на фу-фу (легкомысленно, неосновательно, несерьёзно, кое-как делать ч
Tam oxu »...malt, barley or other grain that has been allowed to sprout in preparation for brewing; grist, grain which has been ground.
Tam oxu »...malt, barley or other grain that has been allowed to sprout in preparation for brewing; grist, grain which has been ground.
Tam oxu »...malt, barley or other grain that has been allowed to sprout in preparation for brewing; grist, grain which has been ground.
Tam oxu »...malt, barley or other grain that has been allowed to sprout in preparation for brewing; grist, grain which has been ground.
Tam oxu »is. terme m, délai m ; prolongation f, prorogation f ; hüq. , hərb. sursis m ; son ~ dernier terme, délai-limite m (pl délaislimites) ; bir ay ~ vermə
Tam oxu »...compensation uyğun olmayan kompensasiya; ~ supplies qeyri-kafı təminat; ~ preparation qeyri-qənaətbəxş hazırlıq; 2. anormal, qeyri-normal, normal olm
Tam oxu »...determine and discharge the financial obligations of a business in preparation for closure; b) v. carry out, execute; fulfil, realize.
Tam oxu »