n 1. qaydaya / nizama salma; 2. başqa yerə qoyma; 3. yenidən qurma / təşkil etmə
Tam oxu »ру расположение en arrangement de Anordnung fr arrangement es ordenamiento it ordinamento
Tam oxu »n 1. qaydaya salma; yerbəyer etmə, yerləşdirmə; sistemləşdirmə; sistemə / nizama salma; the ~ of a library kitabxananı sistemləşdirmə / sistemə salma;
Tam oxu »ру измерительный прибор en measuring device de Meßeinrichtung fr arrangement de mesure es dispositivo de medición it disposizione di misurazione
Tam oxu »ру система солнечных батарей en solar cell array de Solarzellensystem fr arrangement de cellules solaires es sistema de células solares it sistema di
Tam oxu »i. arrangement, design, (qəzet) layout; (tamaşanın) decor; bədii ~ artistic arrangement; musiqi ~ı musical setting
Tam oxu »...understanding / to arrange things / to come to an agreement (arrangement) with someone / to understand one another / to see eye-to-eye находить (найт
Tam oxu »...lubricating; ~ yağı lubricating oil, ~ aləti / qurğusu lubricating arrangement, lubricator
Tam oxu »fi. 1. putting, placing, arrangement; 2. tex. mounting, installation, assembling, erection, installing; (cihaz) setting; 3.(uydurma) invention, fictio
Tam oxu »I. s.: ~ diş false teeth II. fi. 1. putting, placing, arrangement; 2. tex. mounting, installation; setting
Tam oxu »s.: ~ olmaq 1) to be* unanimous; 2) to come* to an arrangement; to make* an appointment
Tam oxu »...victory. / A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. / A bad arrangement is preferable to the best lawsuit. Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры. (Лучш
Tam oxu »n. preparation, act of getting ready, act of preparing; arrangement, act of putting in order .
Tam oxu »n. preparation, act of getting ready, act of preparing; arrangement, act of putting in order .
Tam oxu »f. to come* to an arrangement / understanding (about), to arrange matter (about), to make* arrangements (about, for)
Tam oxu »f. to come* to an agree ment / arrangement, to arrange things (with), to make* / to strike* a bargain
Tam oxu »is. aménagement m ; arrangement m (abadlaşdırma, abadlaşma) ; organisation f ; ~ planları plans m pl d’aménagement ; ~ işləri travaux m pl d’aménageme
Tam oxu »...interconnecting parts; manner in which something is constructed; setup, arrangement, organization.
Tam oxu »...interconnecting parts; manner in which something is constructed; setup, arrangement, organization.
Tam oxu »...interconnecting parts; manner in which something is constructed; setup, arrangement, organization.
Tam oxu »...elementləri-uzanma və düşmə ilə müəyyən edilir. залегание attitude, occurrence, arrangement of strata
Tam oxu »...arrangements; fix up; stage; sponsor. ТЕШКИЛАТ n. organization, arrangement; organized body; association, union. ТЕШКИЛАТЧИ n. founder; erector; cons
Tam oxu »...arrangements; fix up; stage; sponsor. ТЕШКИЛАТ n. organization, arrangement; organized body; association, union. ТЕШКИЛАТЧИ n. founder; erector; cons
Tam oxu »f. 1. to collude; to come* to an agreement (with) / arrangement; to make* an appointment (with+to inf.); to arrange things; 2. to argue (about), to di
Tam oxu »I. fi. 1. placing, installation, arrangement; 2. tex. mounting, setting, installation; 3. fiction, fabrication, concoction II. s. false, faked, fictio
Tam oxu »...Р–трансгрессивное залегание transgressive overlapping, overlapping arrangement of strata
Tam oxu »...rules; rules governing the construction of a machine language; orderly arrangement.
Tam oxu »1) n. arrangement; measure 2) n. safeguard; caution, precaution; тедбир авай adj. careful, cautious, prudent; watchful, guarded; discreet; ♦ тедбир гу
Tam oxu »1) n. arrangement; measure 2) n. safeguard; caution, precaution; тедбир авай adj. careful, cautious, prudent; watchful, guarded; discreet; ♦ тедбир гу
Tam oxu »