z. fussily, restlessly; ~ hərəkət etmək to act fussily; ~ qalmaq to be* restless / fussy
Tam oxu »restless1 adj narahat; iztirablı; qərarsız; ~ soul iztirablı / narahat qəlb; The audience was becoming restless Dinləyicilər narahat olmağa başlayırdı
Tam oxu »a restless child неусидчивый ребёнок
Tam oxu »a pusher (a pushing, restless, fussy person) проныра (суетливый человек)
Tam oxu »I. s. 1. restless, impatient; 2. continuous, ceaseless, uniterrupted; ~ adam restless / impatient man* II. z. 1. restlessly, impatiently; 2. continuou
Tam oxu »...great many of men (too many, so many, such a lot of noisy, fussy, restless children) о толпе шумливых, сyетливых детей
Tam oxu »a fidget / a restless person / someone feels restless / someone is unable to keep still (to settle down) / someone finds no solace / someone is out of
Tam oxu »s. restless, fidgety, uneasy; anxious; ~ uşaq restless / fidgety child, fidget
Tam oxu »to spite and to spurn / to feel restless / to be unable to keep still / to find no solace / not know what to do with oneself / to be out of one’s wits
Tam oxu »to fret / to feel restless / to be unable to keep still (to settle down) / to find no solace / not to know what to do with oneself / to be sad (upset,
Tam oxu »z. blindly, blindfold; recklessly, without foresight; ~ getmək (bir kəsin ardınca) to follow (d.) blindfold
Tam oxu »s. fidgety, restless, wilful, unmanageable; ~ uşaq fidgety child, unmanageable child, wilful child*
Tam oxu »...1. without a decision / resolution / judgement; 2. (səbirsiz) restless, fidgety, impatient; ~ uşaq impatient child; ~ adam a restless / fidgety man*;
Tam oxu »...daddy-long-legs II. s. 1. longlegged; ~ adam a long-legged person; 2. məc. restless
Tam oxu »...stint без оглядки (забывая обо всём, предаваться чему-либо); 3. to love recklessly / to believe without second thoughts без оглядки (безгранично люби
Tam oxu »I. s. 1. (narahat) restless; ~ adam a restless man*; 2. (arası kəsilmədən) continuous, uninterrupted, constant, without break; incessant; ~ yağışlar i
Tam oxu »...to be unable to keep still / to find no solace / to fret / to feel restless / not to know what to do with oneself / to be unable to settle down / to
Tam oxu »to fret / to feel restless / to be unable to keep still / to be unable to settle down / to find no solace / not to know what to do with oneself / to b
Tam oxu »...restless; 3. uncomfortable; ~ stul an uncomfortable chair; ~ adam restless person; ~ olmaq 1) to worry (about), to be* anxious / uneasy (about); to b
Tam oxu »z. (süst) languidly, listlessly; (yorğun) tiredly, wearily; (ölüvay) sluggishly
Tam oxu »...cockroach on a hot stove / to be busy as a hen with one chicken (to be restless, fussy) вертеться (кружиться, крутиться) как белка в колесе (быть в б
Tam oxu »...~ həyat stormy / seething life; ~ müzakirə stormy discussion; ~ qəlb restless soul; ~ söhbət stormy interview; ~ dəniz heavy / rough sea; ~ nitq ferv
Tam oxu »