solace1 n təsəlli, təskinlik; to give ~ to a friend dosta təsəlli vermək; to find ~ in music musiqidən təskinlik tapmaq solace2 v təsəlli / təskinlik
Tam oxu »...not fit to hold a candle to someone. / He is not fit to tie the shoelaces of someone. / He is not fit to black someone’s boots. Он ему в подмётки не
Tam oxu » a candle to someone / Cf. someone is not fit to tie the shoelaces of someone / one is not fit to black someone’s boots мизинца не стоит / в под
Tam oxu ».../ to feel restless / to be unable to keep still / to find no solace / not know what to do with oneself / to be out of one’s wits with rage (to fret)
Tam oxu » to show a candle to someone / someone is not fit to tie the shoelaces of someone / someone is not fit to black someone’s boots / someone is not f
Tam oxu »...çiçəkləri garden / cultivated flow ers III. i. cord, lace; ayaqqabı ~ı shoelace, shoestring
Tam oxu »...restless / to be unable to keep still (to settle down) / to find no solace / not to know what to do with oneself / to be sad (upset, depressed, downc
Tam oxu » unable to keep still (to settle down) / someone finds no solace / someone is out of one’s wits with worry / someone does not know what to do with
Tam oxu »...tərəfdən nisbətən dik yamacla sərhədlənir. подводная аккумулятивная терраса shoreface terrace
Tam oxu »(-из, -на, -а) v. calm, becalm, soothe, solace; quiet, quiet down, settle, still; tranquilize, pacify, appease, placate; conciliate, reassure, comfort
Tam oxu »’s wits with worry / to be unable to keep still / to find no solace / to fret / to feel restless / not to know what to do with oneself / to be una
Tam oxu »...unable to keep still / to be unable to settle down / to find no solace / not to know what to do with oneself / to be out of one’s wits with worry / t
Tam oxu »