i. (kişi) townsman*; (qadın) townswoman*; towndweller, city-dweller; ~lər townspeople, townsfolk
Tam oxu »...inhabitant, resident, dweller; şəhər ~i townsman*, (qadın) townswoman*, towndweller, townsfolk; kənd ~i countryman*, (qadın) country woman*, villager
Tam oxu »...town, populated area that is smaller than a city. ШЕГЬЕР-ЭГЬЛИ n. townsman; urbanite, burgher; oppidan, of a town. ШЕГЬРЕ n. highway, public road.
Tam oxu »...town, populated area that is smaller than a city. ШЕГЬЕР-ЭГЬЛИ n. townsman; urbanite, burgher; oppidan, of a town. ШЕГЬРЕ n. highway, public road.
Tam oxu »I. i. (fellow-) countryman*; (bir şəhərli) fellow townsman*; (bir kəndli) fellow-villager II. s. 1. local; ~ dialekt local dialect; ~ vaxt local time;
Tam oxu »...əhli-hal; 2. (əhali, sakin) dweller, resident, inhabitant; people; şəhər ~i townsman, towndweller, city-dweller; cəm. townsfolk, townspeople; kənd ~i
Tam oxu »...əhalisi urban population, townspeople, townstock; city-dweller; townsman*, town-dweller, townspeople; ~ sakinləri top.i. townsfolk
Tam oxu »