...narahatlıq törədən; narahat; 2. əziyyətli, üzücü; A smoker has a troublesome cough Siqaretçəkən adamın üzücü öskürəyi olur; 3. çətin, nadinc; a ~ chi
Tam oxu »s. 1. smth. that causes headache; 2. məc. troublesome, tiresome; bothersome; ~ məsələ troublesome matter; ~ problem troublesome problem; ~ uşaq a trou
Tam oxu »...labourous, labour-consuming; toilful, toilsome; 2. (ağır, əziyyətli) troublesome, painstaking, burdensome
Tam oxu »1) adj. awkward, clumsy; inconvenient, troublesome; 2) adj. unschooled, unversed; young, inexperienced; inexpert.
Tam oxu »s. stubborn, impudent, importunate; troublesome; ~ adam importunate person / man*; ~ uşaq a stubborn child*
Tam oxu »...troubling, painstaking; 5. (ağır) burdensome, onerous, uneasy; ~ iş troublesome work / business; an onerous task, an arduous work; ~ vəzifə an onerou
Tam oxu »...The first try is not always lucky. / It is the first step that is troublesome. / The first attempt is always a flop. / The first time doesn’t count.
Tam oxu »s. wearisome, tedious, tiring, tiresome, troublesome, dull, boring, bored; ~ söhbət a boring talk; ~ kitab a dull book; ~ uşaq a dull / stupid child*
Tam oxu »