adj 1. mürəkkəb, dolaşıq, çətin; ~ system mürəkkəb / çətin sistem; ~ problem mürəkkəb / dolaşıq / çətin problem; 2
Tam oxu »1. to become complicated осложняться; 2. to be intensified углубляться; 3. to become hollow / to be sunken вваливаться (глаза, щёки)
Tam oxu »...mənada); 2. difficult to understand, (üslub) bombastic, highflown; complicated, intricate; ~ məsələ / problem knotty problem; ~ sual difficult / comp
Tam oxu »...bax qatılaşdırmaq; 2. to complicate (d.), to make* difficult / complicated
Tam oxu »...impedimental, impeding encumbering; 2. (dolaşıq, cəncəlli) intricate; complicated; 3. (xatalı) perilous, dangerous
Tam oxu »s. tangled; involved, intricate, knotty, complicated; ~ saç tangled hair; ~ dəlil involved reasoning; ~ məsələ knotty / intricate question
Tam oxu »...(maneəsiz) smooth, hindranceless; 2. (dolaşıq olmayan) not intricate; not complicated; 3. (xatasız) not perilous, not dangerous II. z. smoothly; with
Tam oxu »...phraseology, formulation of phrases. СЛОЖНИЙ adj. complex, intricate; complicated, difficult; sophisticated, seasoned. СМЕТА n. estimate; outlay.
Tam oxu »...composite; complex, compound; (çətin) complicated; ~ məsələ complicated question; knotty problem; ~ söz qram. compound word; ~ cümlə qram. composite
Tam oxu » become* heavier with sleep; 2. (mürəkkəbləşmək) to become* complicated, to become* worse and worse
Tam oxu »...hard / difficult work; ~ dil difficult language; ~ sual hard / complicated question; ~ tapşırıq difficult / arduous task; ~ vaxt / zaman hard time(s)
Tam oxu »...2) n. disorder, confusion, lack of order; tangle, confusing or complicated condition b) v. addle, muddle; mess up, bumble; тешвиш хьун; a) v. care; t
Tam oxu »...2) n. disorder, confusion, lack of order; tangle, confusing or complicated condition b) v. addle, muddle; mess up, bumble; тешвиш хьун; a) v. care; t
Tam oxu »...subordinate ~ əlavə süjet; The plot of the play is too tangled / complicated Pyesin süjeti çox dolaşıqdır / mürəkkəbdir n II torpaq sahəsi; potato ~
Tam oxu »