underneath1 n alt, alt tərəf; the ~ of a car / of a shelf / of a sofa maşının / rəfin / divanın altı underneath2 adj 1. gizli; ~ meaning gizli məna; 2
Tam oxu »...also. агъам; 2. adv. down; downwards; downstairs; downhill; under, underneath агъадилай виниз bottom-up.
Tam oxu »...also. агъам; 2. adv. down; downwards; downstairs; downhill; under, underneath агъадилай виниз bottom-up.
Tam oxu »f. 1. to sew* underneath (d.); (ayaqqabını) to sole (d.); (paltarı) to line (d.); 2. tik. to ground (d.), to prime (d.), to make* a dab
Tam oxu »z. below, underneath, at the foot (of), at the bottom (of); ~ xatırladılmış stated / mentioned below; ~ adı çəkilən named below; ~ qol çəkənlər the un
Tam oxu »(-аз, -уна, -ур) 1) v. underlay, place underneath; block; 2) v. enfold, envelop; muffle, wrap oneself, enshroud; 3) v. seat, sit, place in a seat; sit
Tam oxu »