adj sadə; təvazökar, ədəbli; to live in an ~ way sadə yaşamaq; an ~ style sadə üslub
Tam oxu »adj. modest, humble, unpretentious, unassuming; moderate; simple; decent or appropriate in thought or dress.
Tam oxu »adj. modest, humble, unpretentious, unassuming; moderate; simple; decent or appropri ate in thought or dress.
Tam oxu »adj. modest, humble, unpretentious, unassuming; moderate; simple; decent or appropri ate in thought or dress.
Tam oxu »I. s. fanciful, pretentious, mannered, affected II. z. pretentiously, affectedly; ~ danışmaq to speak* in pretentious language / pretentiously
Tam oxu »