adj dəyərsiz, qiymətsiz, heç bir şeyə dəyməyən; mənasız, əhəmiyyətsiz; lüzumsuz, gərəksiz, faydasız, bekara; ~ old chairs lazımsız / bekara / köhnə st
Tam oxu »it’s a worthless thing / lost hope (cause) / bad job / Cf. dead duck плёвое дело (напрасная работа)
Tam oxu »someone had to do smth. worthless (to demean oneself) быть вынужденным идти на что-либо недостойное
Tam oxu »a negligible quantity / a nonentity / a nobody (worthless creature) человек, не имеющий веса (человек, с которым не считаются)
Tam oxu »the best place for it is the scrap-heap (something utterly worthless) * выкрасить да выбросить (о чём-либо абсолютно непригодном)
Tam oxu »I. i. good-for-nothing, lazy-bones, loafer II. s. useless, worthless; d.d. goodfor-nothing; ~ adam a useless / worthless man*
Tam oxu »s. 1. valueless, worthless; ~ hala düşmək to become* / to get* worthless; (paltar) to wear* out; ~ vəziyyətə / hala salmaq to make* worthless (d.); (g
Tam oxu »...good-for-nothing; ~ şeylər worthless things; ~ hala düşmək to become* worthless, (bina və s.) to fall* into disrepair; ~ hala salmaq to make* useless
Tam oxu »...1. smallness, pettiness; 2. (adam haq.) nonentity, a nobody; worthless creature; futility
Tam oxu »i. 1. the state of being unworthy / worthless; 2. the state of being without individuality
Tam oxu »s. 1. unworthy (of), worthless; 2. (i.s.) without a distinctive personality; (i.s.) without individuality
Tam oxu »...futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless; 2. adv. without avail, no earthly use.
Tam oxu »...futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless; 2) adj. unfavorable, disadvantageous; unfriendly; contrary, cross; inausp
Tam oxu »...hərbi xidmətə ~ unfit for (military) service; 2. (yararsız) worthless; d.d. good-for-nothing; cəmiyyətin ~ üzvü a worthless member of society; ~ vəzi
Tam oxu »...discarded, rubbish, trash, junk, w aste, refuse; anything thought to be worthless or substandard.
Tam oxu »I. s. 1. unworthy (of); 2. worthless, unworthy, mean; ~ əməl (hərəkət) mean deed / action II. z. unworthily; meanly, indecently, indecorously, imprope
Tam oxu »to run about like Tom Fool carrying smth. worthless / Cf. to be as fussy as a hen with one chick / to fuss over smth. like a child over a new toy носи
Tam oxu »...futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless. МЕТЛЕБСУЗВАЛ n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce
Tam oxu »...futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless. МЕТЛЕБСУЗВАЛ n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce
Tam oxu »s. 1. unworthy (of), worthless, mean; ~ hərəkət mean action; 2. incapable (of), dull, slow, clumsy, unskilful; 3. indecent, unseemly; ~ zarafat indece
Tam oxu » (i.s.) of little value, not valuable; valueless, priceless, worthless; 2. məc. invaluable, priceless; beyond / above price; ~ daş-qaş priceless j
Tam oxu »s. 1. base, meek, mean, low, worthless, miserable, paltry; 2. pitiful, pitiable, poor, wretched; ~ görkəmdə olmaq to be* a sorry sight; to cut* a poor
Tam oxu »...futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless . МЕНФЯТСУЗВАЛ n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce
Tam oxu »...futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless . МЕНФЯТСУЗВАЛ n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce
Tam oxu »...good-for-nothing II. s. (pis) bad, ill, evil, poor; (yararsız) worthless, useless, good-for-nothing; (bacarıqsız, qabiliyyətsiz) incapable; unskilful
Tam oxu »need smth. like a fish needs a bicycle / worthless as tits on a boar hog / there is no point in doing it / there is no need очень нужно / куда как нуж
Tam oxu »i. reliability, trustfulness, worthiness; ~ göstərmək to display reliability / trustfulness
Tam oxu »...(idarə) motor licencing and inspection department; (nəzarət) road worthiness inspection
Tam oxu »...of sedimentary rock (Geology); level of society; ♦ сикӀрен чар worthless piece of paper; also. кагъаз (сикӀрен кагъаз).
Tam oxu »...landscape. / One drop of poison inflects the whole tun of wine. / Cf. A worthless word may make a bad impress on. / A fly in the ointment. Не велика
Tam oxu »I. s. not affecting (d.); having no effect (on, upon) II. s. workless; having no works
Tam oxu »...~lər top.i. the unemployed; 2. (veyl) idler II. s. unemployed, workless, jobless; ~ olmaq to be* unemployed, to be* out of work, to be* jobless
Tam oxu »I. s. 1. toothless; ~ adam a toothless man*; 2. zool. edentate; 3. məc. weak, fee ble; ~ adam 1) a toothless man*; 2) an impotent man*; ~ adam məc. an
Tam oxu »I. s. 1. (vecsiz, faydasız) worthless, good-for-nothing; useless; 2. (təsir etməyən) ineffective, inefficacious; (təsir qüvvəsi olmayan) impotent; (də
Tam oxu »s. bad; rotten; (diş) decayed; good-fornothing; worthless; (ət və s.) tainted; ~ yumurta bad* / rotten egg; ~ ət tainted meat; ~ diş decayed / rotten
Tam oxu »...or black coloring; smutty, sooty; 2) adj. joyless, cheerless, mirthless; sad, gloomy, wintry.
Tam oxu »worthy1 n 1. ləyaqətli / hörmətli / məşhur / tanınmış adam; local worthies yerli zadəganlar / əyanlar; All local worthies have been invited to the cer
Tam oxu »’s dignity; 2. (yaxşı keyfiyyət) quality, merit, virtue, desert; worthiness; high rank
Tam oxu »...need smth. as one needs another hole in the head / it is as worthless as tits on a boar hog (of absolutely useless) нужен (интересует) как прошлогодн
Tam oxu »