to assemble people собрать вокруг себя
someone is a dimwit / someone is a blockhead / someone is a noddy / someone hasn’t got a head on his shoulders в голове пусто / голова не варит / коте
someone has a screw (a tile) loose / someone is a button short / someone has lost a button / someone has a cylinder missing / someone is not all there
someone will lose his head / someone will never live through it / someone would not come out alive / someone will come to grief не сносить головы / ко
bax başında dəyirman daşı fırlatmaq
bax başında turp əkmək
bax başında dəyirmanı tərsinə firlatmaq
bax başında dəyirman daşı çəkmək
1. to make much of someone сажать на голову; 2. bax başına dolanmaq 2-ci mənada
to be full of mischief / to make a lot of noise / to go quite wild ходить на голове (шалить, озорничать)
bax başına gəlmək
bax başından tüstü çıxmaq
someone is a featherbrain / someone is scatterbrained / someone is flighty, though less / someone is a giddy-pate / someone’s head is always empty / a
1. to keep in one’s mind держать в уме / держать в голове (не забывать, постоянно помнить); 2. to get used to do smth
bax başında qoz sındırmaq
bax başında soğan əkmək
to ride on someone’s back / Cf. to take (to hold) the reins crack the whip / to jump on someone садиться (сесть) верхом (подчинять своей воле, командо
1. to make life a burden to someone / to drive someone to distraction / to nag at someone day and night / to eat into someone поедом есть (мучить, тер
bax başında dəyirmanı tərsinə çevirmək
bax başında qoz-fındıq sındırmaq
to catch someone at the scene of crime (in the act) / to catch someone redhanded на месте преступления (в момент совершения чего-либо предосудительног
someone has a screw / a tile loose / someone is a button short / someone has lost a button / someone has a cylinder missing / someone is not all there
bax başında külək oynayır
to leave somebody alone отвязаться (отстать, оставлять в покое)
bax beynindən alov çıxmaq
1. more than enough (of trouble, grief, suffering, etc.) * по ноздри и выше (слишком много, в избытке, обычно о горе, бедах, неприятностях и т
to put smth. out of one’s head / to get smth. out of one’s mind (to get rid of the idea) выбрaсывать из головы / выкидывать из головы (освободиться о
to put a spoke in someone’s wheel / to throw a spanner into the works / to put grit in the machine / to throw sand in the wheels / not to set smth
Lit. You can’t jump higher than your head. / Cf. A man can do no more than he can. / One cannot go further than the wall
to speak impudently / to speak boldly / to speak as adults do / to talk through one’s hat / to speak through the back of one’s neck / to be running on
Don’t try to do something you’re not fit for. / Cf. Let not the cobbler go beyond his last. / Let the cobbler stick to his last
1. try to do smth. one is not fit for / Cf. try to run before one can walk садиться не в свои сани / браться не за своё дело (заниматься тем, на что н
bax başından atmaq
to obsess someone (of an idea, importunate thoughts, etc.) / to come into (enter) someone’s head (against someone’s will) / to creep into someone’s he
that’s done / that’s off one’s minds (hands) / to get rid of someone or smth. / to palm someone or smth
bax başından açılmaq
to know all the ins and outs / to know the ropes / to feel perfectly at home in smth. знать все ходы и выходы
bax ağlına gətirmək
1. to sacrifice one’s life (to sacrifice oneself) пожeртвовать своей головой / отдать свою жизнь; 2. bax ağlından keçmək
1. bax başdan eləmək; 2. it’s all right giving someone hand-me-downs / you’re willing to sacrifice what you don’t want yourself / Cf
to be safe and sound цел и невредим / волоска не тронуть
bax bədəninə od düşmək
bax başından girib ayağından çıxmaq
bax yekə-yekə danışmaq
1. to go grey / to turn grey (to get old) поседеть (постареть); 2. bax baş ağartmaq
1. to take the trouble создать себе хлопоты, неприятности; 2. bax başağrısı vermək
to try to talk someone round / to fool someone by fine words / to put someone off with fair words / to fool someone with smooth talk заговаривать зубы
bax baş alıb qaçmaq
bax beynini aparmaq