to answer for good by evil / to do someone great harm instead of good (to act ingratitudely) ответить на добро злом (поступить неблагодарно)
1. head-strong бедовая голова; 2. someone is always up to something / someone is a real dare-devil! / fire-brand / to live wire / Cf
1. to fly into a rage гореть огнём / беситься (неистовствовать); 2. bax od götürmək
let it go to blazes! / let it go hang! / hang it all! / to hell with it! / blast it all to hell and back! гори оно синим огнём! / гори оно ясным пламе
with fire and sword огнём и мечом
1. to drive someone into a rage / to infuriate someone приводить в ярость (разгневать); 2. to make it hot for someone / to give someone a nice shake-
bax od vurmaq 1-ci mənada
= There is no fire without smoke. / There is no smoke without fire. / Where there is smoke there is fire
to get into a mess (a scrape, a spot) / to get mixed up in an unpleasant affair / to be caught up in something rotten / Cf
1. bax oduna yanmaq; 2. Cf. one’s heart is bleeding Cр. сердце кровью обливается (горевать, печалиться)
Lit. have come through fire, water, and copper pipes / Cf. have been through the mill / have been through very hell пройти сквозь огонь и воду (и медн
to come off cheap (with a whole skin) / to come well out of a scrape / to fall (land) on one’s feet / to come off clear / to be in the clear / to get
to put to the sword / to waste smth. with fire and sword предавать (предать) огню и мечу
to run away (flee) from someone or smth. as if from fire бежать как от огня (бежать в страхе, в панике)
to fear someone or smth. like death (plague) / to be scared to death of someone or smth. / to fear someone like the devil / Cf
playing with fire игра с огнём
between two fires / between the devil and the deep blue sea между молотом и наковальней / между двух огней / Ср
to speak with animation / to speak with heat говорить с жаром
missing one’s chance, to waste time on trifles упустив удобный случай, заниматься пустяками
to get someone out from the hell вытащить из пекла
bax odun üstünə yağ tökmək
to add fuel to the flames / to throw fat in the fire / to pour oil on the fire / to fan the flame подливать (подлить) масло в огонь
1. one’s heart is torn / it breaks one’s heart (to suffer for someone) сердце надрывается / голова (душа, сердце) горит; 2
bearing someone’s trouble on one’s back / taking the rap for someone else / shouldering other people’s sins в чужом пиру похмелье (неприятность из-за
it’s time of golden age / the period of blossoming forth / in one’s prime / at the peak / at the height / at the climax пора расцвета / разгар
in the prime of life / in one’s prime / in full power / at its height в самом соку / в самом расцвете / в самом разгаре
to be a cuckold носить рога (быть в положении мужа, которому изменяет жена)
thieves’ cant (argot) / thieves’ Latin / Cf. flash / the lingo блатная музыка (воровской жаргон)
One fits everyone and everything into the own pattern. / Cf. One measures everyone with the same yardstick
Thief robbed thief. / The deceiver is deceived. / Cf. To deceive a deceiver is no deceit. Вор на вора напал, вор у вора дубинку украл
to suggest smth. to someone наводить на мысль (подсказывать то, что кто-то в данный момент не помнит и не помышляет)
to put the nips into someone стрельнуть денег у кого-либо
The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. / At length the fox is brought to the furrier
to hurt someone ранить сердце (причинять душевную боль)
to soothe the ear ласкать слух
in the form of smth. / shaped like smth. в виде (наподобие)
Like father, like son. / Like mother, like daughter. / Like parents, like children. / Like begets like
to hold smth. back / to leave smth. unsaid недоговаривать (не ракрывать полностью свою мысль, рассказав многое, скрыть самое главное)
Cf. Don’t give me that! / I don’t buy that! / tell me another! / tell it to the marines! / Amer. sez you! пой, ласточка, пой! (выражает недоверие к сл
someone is out of luck не везти
to read, mark and inwardly digest хорошо усваивать про-читанное
base metals неблагородные металлы
a breathing bag (oxygen bag) кислородная подушка
1. Lit. tell it to your granny (old woman)! / it’s a lie! / stuff and nonsense! / don’t (never) tell me! / tell me another / Cf
What must happen, will happen. / What must be, must be. / A man can die but once. / Cf. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned
after all, it’s common practice / there’s nothing out of the ordinary in it дело житейское (что-либо обыкновенное, обыденное)
What’s done can’t be undone. / What is past is past. / It has gone the way of all flesh. / It’s all over
Lit. You can’t throw words out of a song. / The milk is spilled. / Cf. Varnished tale can’t be round
Come what may! Будь, что будет!
the milk is spilled / Cf. there’s no use crying over split milk что сделано, то сделано (что сделано, того не переделаешь)