ада авун a) v. quit, leave; satisfy; amortise, settle a debt through periodic payments to a creditor or to a sinking fund; liquidate, determine and di
n. enmity, animosity, hostility, antagonism.
n. equity, honesty, fairness, justice; rectitude, integrity.
adj. just, fair, equitable; righteous; impartial. АДАЛАТЛУВАЛ n. equity, honesty, fairness, justice; rectitude, integrity
1.adj. unjust, inequitable, unfair, wrongful, undue; 2. adv. hardly. АДАЛАТСУЗВАЛ n. injustice, inequity, unfairness; unfair or discriminatory act, wr
1) n. intended; 2) n. intended.
n. advocate, lawyer, attorney, one who represents people in a court of law or advises them on legal matters; solicitor, one who offers legal advice to
n. custom, habit; usage, practice; mode, way.
adv. any.
n. address; superscription; direction.
1. adj. amazing, astonishing, surprising, astounding, extraordinary, miraculous; 2. adv. remarkably, surprisingly, amazingly
adj. charming, enchanting, bewitching, fascinating.
1. n. death, end of life; dying; destruction; ажал агакьун the fatal hour.
adj. immortal, never dying, deathless.
n. dragon, legendary huge lizard-like monster.
1. adj. marvelous; 2. adv. remarkably, surprisingly, amazingly.
also. ажуз.
n. malice, spite, malevolence; rancor, animosity.
adj. surly, cross, irritable; dark and gloomy, sullen; rambunctious; irate, angry.
n. malignancy; malignity, wickedness; virulence, antagonism.
adv. angrily, crossly.
also. ажугълуз.
1) adj. weak, frail, feeble; faint; dilute, watery; limp, droopy; 2) adj. helpless, powerless, aidless, feckless
(-из, -на, -а) also. ажуз (ажуз авун).
1) n. foible, weakness; feebleness, infirmity; looseness, limpness; impotence; 2) n. timidity, diffidence, bashfulness, shyness
n. anguish, agony, torment; anxiety, fear; азаб гун v. torment, torture, agonize, persecute; fret, worry; grill, interrogate
adj. free; void; leisure; unobstructed; unbound, unrestrained; азад авун v. liberate, free, emancipate, release (from slavery, captivity, etc
n. freedom, emancipation; liberty; independence; exemption; release.
also. азаддаказ.
adv. freely, with liberty, without limits; frankly, openly.
(-из, -на, азад ая) also. азад (азад авун).
1) n. illness, disease, sickness, malady; trouble; 2) n. suffering, state in which one endures some difficulty or misfortune, distress, hardship, pain
adj. aching, hurting; ailing, diseased, ill, sick; азарлу хьун v. sicken.
1) n. illness, disease, sickness, malady; trouble 2) n. sickliness, morbidness; debility; soreness, painfulness; valetudinarianism; delicacy, sensitiv
n. hospital, infirmary.
туькьуьл азва adj. bitter, poignant, pungent; rough.
adj. clear; obvious, evident; lucid, comprehensible; serene, cloudless; articulate, eloquent.
clear weather.
adj. avid, greedy; edacious, voracious.
n. greed, avarice, voracity.
adv. greedily; devouringly; gulp.
n. dearie, sweetheart.
n. anguish, agony, torment; anxiety, fear; азият къачун a) v. worry, fret, be anxious about, distress oneself, fash, be concerned; b) v
n. angel, spirit servant of God.
n. balcony, porch; gallery.
n. stallion, stud, uncastrated male horse (especially one used for breeding).
o, oh!.