n. gathering, get together; mob; coven.
adj. light o' love.
n. flippancy, giddiness, levity.
ХЬУН v. dash aside, start aside.
(-из, -на, -а) v. throw, cast; toss, fling; pitch, hurl, heave; throw away, chuck; dart, dash; leave, abandon; give up, relinquish; quit; pelt, shoot
prep. during, while, in the course of, within, for, in, pending.
Ӏ n. gas.
ӀӀ n. wrap; shawl.
n. carrot, plant in the parsley family; long edible orange root of this plant (eaten cooked or raw)
adj. red; florid, rosy; ruddy, blushing.
n. lawn, grass.
n. nut; screw nut, female screw, internal screw.
1) v. be, exist; dwell, reside; locate, situate; belong; occur, intervene; 2) v. be in need of, have need of, stand in need of, feel the need of, be i
adv. in succession, sequentially; together; in sequence.
adv. in series.
adv. still, yet; else; more.
(-из, -на) v. remain, stay, abide; go on, continue.
ХЬУН also. галатун.
(-из, -на, галат/-а) v. lag, fall behind, fail to keep up with the established pace, straggle; linger, tarry; 2) v
1) n. bunch, cluster; truss, cluster of fruit or flowers; 2) n. bunch of keys; 3) n. train, caravan, procession; string, group of objects linked toget
(-из, -на, галкӀукӀ/-а) v. cling; clamber, scramble.
(-из, -на, -а) v. engage; gear; mesh; hitch, hook.
n. necktie, tie, cravat.
(-из, -на, -а) also. галтадун.
ХЬУН v. drag, trail; lag, dangle; philander.
(-из, -на, -а) v. pull, grab and draw away; drag, lug, tow; tote, carry; filch, pilfer .
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. carpet, rug, tapis.
n. buffalo, bull, ox.
n. dagger, dirk; misericord, short dagger used during the Middle Ages for striking a blow of mercy.
also. кӀапӀал Ӏ.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. wind, breeze.
n. garage, shed.
n. neck.
n. humiliation, abasement, debasement; derogation, abjection; mortification, stoop, indignity, affront
n. summer, summertime, season between spring and autumn.
(-аз, -ана, гатут/-а) v. strike, hit, beat, knock.
[гаттун] adj. summer, summery .
(-и, -а, -ар) n. spring, springtime, spring tide.
n. spring, springtime, spring tide.
(-из, -ана, гатӀкӀукӀ) v. stud.
also. гатӀунун.
(-из, -на, -а) v. allow to approach.
(-из, -на, гатӀун) v. approach, approximate, come near.
гатӀун Ӏ.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. word, unit of language with meaning; say; syllable; faith.
n. dictionary, reference source which provides information on a given list of terms (i.e. translations, meanings, spelling, pronunciation, etc