ӀӀ n. hour hand.
Ӏ n. scorpion, any of several species of arachnids with a long segmented tail ending in a venomous stinger (Zoology)
n. mind; understanding; reason, sense; wit, intell; акьул кьиле авай кас adj. Reasonable man; акьул кьиляй акъатун or акьул фин a) go round the bend,
adj. clever, intelligent; smart, knowledgeable; capable, strong minded, sharp-witted, shrewd.
n. discretion, prudence; reason; policy.
also. акьуллудаказ.
adv. reasonably, intelligently, rationally.
1. adj. inadvisable, not recommended; unwise, imprudent; irrational, illogical; 2. adv. blindly, blindfold; rashly, unadvisedly, foolhardily
n. irrationality, lack of reason.
adv. fatuously, foolishly; absurdly.
also. акьулсуздаказ.
(-аз, -уна, акьукь) fall into v. strike, knock, bump into v. collide, clash; face, meet with (difficulties, hardship, etc
adv. so, thus; like; that; ♦ акӀ хьайила adv. like this, like that.
also. акӀ.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. cut down, fell; carve out 2) v. fling, hurl; put, insert; thrust, drive by applying pressure; set off, launch; start, begin; negl
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. curve, bend; bow, bend down; fold; inflect 2) v. writhe, convulse; 3) v. torment, torture, agonize, persecute; fret, worry; grill
(-из, -на, акӀахь/-а) 1) v. crumble 2) adj. desolate, neglected; shabby; squalid.
(экӀиз, -на, акӀукӀ) 1) v. stall; stick; jam, cause to be stuck; lodge, become stuck in; 2) v. go to; pick up; drop in, come by; touch at; get to, arr
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. stick, jab; plant; 2) v. stick; 3) rest.
adj. scarlet, red; carnation, incarnadine; vermeil, vermilion.
ӀӀ n. dearie, sweetheart.
Ӏ v. be, exist; dwell, reside; locate, situate; belong; occur, intervene.
n. belongings, possessions; things.
adj. fair haired dog, having blond or light hair; white haired.
adj. complementary; supplementary, additional, extra; subsidiary, auxiliary.
n. venus; beauty, belle; good looker, pretty woman.
1) also. эчӀел; 2) n. hoe, mattock.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. peel; clean; purge, clear out; purify; 2) v. shave; plane; whittle; shape. АЛАГЪ-САЛАГЪ 1) n
v. go, move; walk, tread; wade; leave, depart; come; fall; proceed, carry on; enter; sell; suit, fit; pass; follow; go round; also