n. bigwig, important person.
onomatopoeia bark.
n. leavings, leftovers; refuse; remainder, something which remains.
(-из, -на, амукь/-а) v. remain, stay, abide; go on, continue.
adv. there; thereat; therein.
(ани, ана) pron. that, pronoun used to indicate a specific person or thing.
adv. thence, from there, therefrom; thereout.
adv. thereon place.
n. pomegranate, type of red fruit that has a tough skin and many seeds; garnet.
n. anarchism, social movement that objects to laws and government.
n. anarchist, advocate of anarchy (social movement that objects to laws and government) . АНАТОМИЯ n
pron. what; as; which.
beat it!, begone, off; out, out upon you; also. ингье.
n. glutton, gourmand, voracious eater.
1) conj. only; 2) adv. unlikely, scarcely likely.
adv. there, thither, to there.
n. form, questionnaire, document containing a list of questions to be answered. АННАМАЗ adj. stupid, muddle headed, slow-witted, slow, obtuse; cockeye
muddle-headedness, stupidity. АНСАМБЛ n. ensemble, tout ensemble, group of performers. АНТЕННА n. antenna, signal receiver
n. anthology, compilation; garland, collection of poems or stories.
n. father in law, father of the bride.
n. apparatus, device, instrument; mechanism, machine.
n. April.
n. pharmacy, drugstore, dispensary, apothecary; also. . дарманхана.
Ӏ n. shame.
ӀӀ (-ди, -да); ар ягьун v. bawl, bellow, roar, scream.
n. shame.
1) n. space, gap; interim, interval; interspace, interstice; pause; 2) n. period, space, interim, mean time, lapse, stretch, span, while; 3) prep betw
also. ара-бир.
adv. on occasion, sometimes; occasionally, now and then; once; at times.
n. Arab, member of a Semitic people living in the Middle East and northern Africa .
n. bullock cart.
n. teamster; jehu, charioteer.
adj. intermediate, mediatory; transitional, interim; neutral; interstitial.
n. fight.
1) n. lowland; bottom; 2) also. Алпан.
. intermediator, mediator, arbitrator, one who intervenes; middle-man; umpire. АРАЧИВАЛ n. interposition, interposal, act of placing oneself or someth
n. Wednesday; environment, surroundings; medium.
n. Lovelace, womanizer.
n. lease, contract which gives another the right to use or inhabit a property for a period of time in exchange for rent; occupancy, act of taking poss
n. declaration, proclamation; proposition, offer; representation; allegation, statement; contention, assertion; presentment; protestation, opposition;
n. complaint, gripe; gravamen, grievance; plea, appeal.
n. complainant, one who makes a complaint (Law); appellant, one who makes an appeal.
n. sage, wise and learned person.
also. ариф.
n. arithmetic, science of numbers, mathematics; figure, sum, amount that is determined by adding two or more numbers
n. army, military force, military troops.
1. adj. shameless, brazen, blatant, insolent, impudent, unblushing, immodest, malapert; 2. n. shameless man
n. impudence, brass, effrontery, immodesty.
also. арсуздаказ.
adj. shameless, brazen, blatant, insolent, impudent, unblushing, immodest, malapert.