(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. rip up; unpick, unstitch; 2) v. release; issue; emit; ease; deliver; discharge; vent; eject; publish ♦ нефес акъадарун catch one&
(-из, -на, акъаж/-а) 1) v. stretch, extend; spread; elongate; ease; outstretch; 2) v. compete, contend against another; emulate
n. competition, match; contest; duel; tug.
(-из, -на, -а) v. ensure, guarantee; provide; procure; find; instate 1) v. seize, snatch; bite, take bait; detain, confine; hold out; last out; be cap
(-из, -на, акъат/-а) 1. 1) v. exit, egress; leave, go out; appear, emerge; issue ; 2) v. prolapse, fall out; 3) v
(-из, -на, акъаш/-а) v. pull up by the roots, uproot; stub; plough under; log off.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. withhold, hold back; restrain, keep in check; retain, deduct; refrain from giving; 2) v
(-из, -на, акъваз/-а) 1) v. halt, stop, pause; cause to stop; 2) v. stand, be upright on one's feet; get up; place upright; rise; stop, halt; sit;
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. toast; brown; torrefy; 2) v. burn, scorch; bake; parboil; roast, torrefy. АКЪУГЪУН (-из, -на, акъугъ/-а) 1) v
(-из, -на, акъуд/'-а) 1) v. carry out; endure, stand; pass; bring in; take away; take out 2) v. move out; dispossess, evict; eject, oust; 3) v
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. seat, sit, place in a seat; sit down, take a seat; put, set; get in; embus; enplane; entrain; entruck; plant, place seeds or vege
ХЬУН v. close, shut; close up; overcast; rise.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. lift, pick up; uplift, raise; elevate; erect; хвена кӀвачел 2) v. come now and then; run away; run down
(-из, -на, акьалж/-а) v. put on, don, wear; draw on.
(-из, -на, акьалт/-а) 1) v. raise, elevate; ascend, rise up; escalate; mount; soar; rise, get out of bed; 2) v
(-из, -на, акьалтӀ/-а) 1) v. finish, end; close; stop, terminate; do; down 2) v. end, finish, terminate; result; stop; expire; die; ♦ акьалтӀай хъсан
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. close down, shut down; close, shut; turn off; adjourn; settle 2) v. flatten out, roll out
(-из, -на, акьах/-а) 1) v. climb, mount, get on, scale, swarm up; 2) v. enter, thrust in.
n. needle; knitting needle; spoke.
adj. such, suchlike, of a particular kind; either;adv. so; such as.
Ӏ n. scorpion, any of several species of arachnids with a long segmented tail ending in a venomous stinger (Zoology)
ӀӀ n. hour hand.
n. mind; understanding; reason, sense; wit, intell; акьул кьиле авай кас adj. Reasonable man; акьул кьиляй акъатун or акьул фин a) go round the bend,
adj. clever, intelligent; smart, knowledgeable; capable, strong minded, sharp-witted, shrewd.