n. forgiveness, mercy, pardon.
adv. honestly, really, truly, in truth; fair, justly, equitably.
(-из, -на, -а) also. гьалал 2) (гьалал авун).
n. paste.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. instigate, set on; set upon; etch; exterminate; 3) v. send, dispatch; refer; forward; shoot; tender; delegate; 4) v
n. victory, triumph over an opponent; instance of defeating an opponent; success in the face of a challenge or a struggle
adj. victorious, triumphant.
n. decoction, extract acquired by boiling; liquor.
1) n. link, one ring of a chain; 2) n. loop; noose; buttonhole; stitch; hinge; 3) n. knot, tie; joint, unit, junction; bundle, fardel, pack, parcel
(-из, -на, гьалс/-а) v. get into. ГЬАЛТУН (-из, -на, -гьалт/-а) v. bend, stoop. ГЬАЛУН Ӏ (-из, -на, -а) v
ӀӀӀ (-из, -на, -а) also. гьалдун.
ӀӀ (-из, -на, -а) v. plow, furrow, till.
(-из, -на, гьалч/-а) v. throw, cast, fling, toss.
(-из, -на, -а) adj. grey, dull, murky. ГЬАМАМ n. bath; bathhouse; vaporarium, sauna. ГЬАМАМЧИ n. swab, swob
n. carrier; porter; bearer; redcap, baggage porter at a railroad station.
n. chute; buffet; cabinet; hill; zoom.
n. barn, farm building used to house animals or store hay and grain; granary, structure in which grain is stored (generally after threshing or husking
n. crystal, transparent mineral (especially a type of quartz); type of clear glass .
adv. constantly, always, forever; permanently; perennially; hourly.
adv. forever, perpetually, eternally; for keeps, for good, permanently.
adj. continual, perpetual, constant; continuous, uninterrupted; perdurable, permanent; direct; in ordinary
also. гьамиша.
adv. thereat.
(гьани, гьана, гьанагар) that place.
adv. thence, from there, therefrom; thereout.
n. dagger, dirk; misericord, short dagger used during the Middle Ages for striking a blow of mercy.