adv. barely, hard, heavily, scarce, scarcely.
adv. by force.
adj. strong, forceful, having great physical power; fierce, powerful; exquisite, sharp, intense .
n. energy, power; capacity; output; duty; width.
adv. severely, seriously; strong, powerfully, forcefully; violently, by force; heartily, earnestly.
adj. powerless, flaccid, feeble, impuissant, weak; forceless, impotent; paralytic, bedridden.
n. small load of bread.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. column, pillar; post; pole, shaft; stake.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. fume, smoke; reek.
v. remain, stay, abide; go on, continue.
adj. sanguine, optimistic; jocund, blithe; eupeptic, cheerful.
n. cheerfulness, good spirits; courage.
also. гумрагьдаказ.
adv. freshly.
(-из, -на, гумрагь ая) also. гумрагь (гумрагь авун).
(-из, -на, гумукь) v. remain, stay, abide; go on, continue.
(гуз, гана, це) v. give, bestow; deliver; donate; produce; be convinced, weaken, yield; do; provide, equip
n. trade, commerce; market; traffic.
n. transgression, sin; guilt; evil; error.
n. culprit; starter, author.
adj. sinless; inerrant; saintlike, saintly, holy.
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. canine, sharp pointed tooth located between the front teeth (incisors); cuspid, tooth having a single point; fang, tooth of a d
also. гун.
Ӏ adj. lively, active; merry, cheery; sprightly, animated.
ӀӀ n. tomb, grave, place where a person or thing is buried; entombment.
n. staircase, stairway; stairs; ladder.
also. гурлувал.
n. fall, waterfall, cascade.
(-из, -на, -а) also. гургур (гургур авун).
n. mess, disorder, disarray, untidiness; confusion, disarrangement, upset; litter, clutter; chaos, perturbation
n. Georgian.
n. vivacity, gaiety; ginger, vitality; glow.
also. гурлудаказ.
adv. lifelike; lively, sprightly, merrily.
n. chimney, flue, pipe that funnels smoke (away from a fireplace, furnace, etc.).
n. morgue, mortuary, place where corpses are stored before post-mortem exam or before being claimed for burial
n. puppy, cub.
(-аз, -уна, гутур) 1) v. fasten; 2) v. allow to approach.
conj. as if, as though.
Ӏ adj. grey, grizzly; leaden; wan.
ӀӀ гуьн.
adj. greyish, ashen, colored grey, somewhat grey.
adv. behind; after; abaft, in the direction of the stern (Nautical).