(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. weir, dam; dike; barrage.
band, ring, gang; bunch.
n. bandit, outlaw, brigand, thief; ruffian, thug, mobster, gangster; hijacker, killer .
n. thievery, brigandage; racketeering, gangsterism; hijacking; thuggery.
(-ди, -да, -ар) . bank, banking house; jackpot, kitty.
банка (f) n. jar, pot; cupping-glass, glass used to draw blood to the surface of the body for relieving internal congestion; sandbank, bank, shoal
n. banquet, feast; dinner.
ХЬУН v. go bankrupt, become insolvent, declare legal inability to pay off debts, go broke .
n. bankruptcy, insolvency; crash, bust, failure; suspension.
n. hat, cap
adj. even, equal; square, having four equal sides enclosing four equal angles; fifty fifty, shared equally; equable, uniform
n. equality, parity; equability.
also. барабардиз.
adv. on a par, on a level; in a line.
1) also. багърагъ; 2) also. баргъар.
(-из, -на, баргъ ая) also. багърагъ (багърагъ авун).
ХЬУН v. make peace; make up, forgive and forget; put up with, bear with.
make one's peace with, make the best of.
(-из, -на, баришугъ ая) v. make peace, reconcile.
adj. blessed, fortunate.
well done!, nicely done!, good work!.
adj. inglorious, disgraceful, shameful.
n. dishonor, ignominy, infamy, disgrace, shame; slur, smear, stain.
adj. famous; glorious; pleasant, nice; decent.
hosanna, hallelujah! (used to express praise and adoration to God).
n. hat, cap; bonnet; banner, large headline.
n. bathometer.
n. barricade, obstruction, blockade, barrier.
also. пару.
n. powder, gunpowder.
n. pus, greenish-white fluid composed of plasma and white blood cells that is discharged from an infected area; matter, excreted material
n. buffalo, bull, ox.
n. clench, clinch, clasp; rivet, metal bolt used to fasten two objects together.
(-из, -на, барчим ая) also. барчим (барчим авун).
adj. blindfolded; besotted.
n. print, printing; stamp, seal; impress. БАСМИШУН (-из, -на, -а) v. lean heavily; bucket. БАСРУХ n. squeeze, squash; press, crowd
n. oppression.
n. battery; radiator; troop.
adj. dull, blunt; obtuse, of an angle between 90 and 180 degrees (Geometry); stupid, not intelligent
n. bluntness, dullness; obtuseness, stupidity; torpor.
n. batiste, cambric; lawn.
ХЬУН v. sink, go under; drown.
(-из, -на, -а) v. drown; sink; heat; fire; melt.
(-из, -на, -а) also. батмишарун.
n. farm laborer, farmhand; peon, day laborer.
n. farm work; peonage; farm laborer.