n. reward, guerdon; compensation, repayment; requital; amends.
1) n. truth, verity, fact; sooth; 2) n. reality, actuality; real, factual; fact; right; vigor; validity
adv. really, quite, truly; too; real; actually, indeed, in point of fact. ГЬАКЪИКЪИ adj. real, true, factual; actual, substantial; of reality, realist
adv. objectively.
prep. on; along; over; by; through; in; up; around; about.
adj. conscientious, scrupulous; pious, religious; bona fide, good faith.
n. scrupulosity, morality; bona fides, sincerity.
adv. bona fide, good faith; in good faith, trustingly.
adj. free, buckshee; unpaid, exempt.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) also. гьахъ.
also. гьахъ-гьисаб.
(-из, -на, -а) v. find room, make go in.
n. agate, hard semiprecious stone often having variegated colorful stripes .
(-из, -на, гьакь) v. fit in, go.
adv. so, thus; like; that.
1) adj. common, usual; ordinary, regular; general; conventional, customary; 2) adj. rustic.
adv. so; ergo.
so, well.
1) n. position, situation; state, condition; environment, surroundings; status, rank; fortune, wealth; 2) n
also. гьал 1), 2).
also. гьавалат.
adv. about, around; all around, all over; circum.
adj. allowable.