adv. broadwise, broadways, breadthwise, breadthways, across.
adj. wide, broad; large; spacious; extended.
n. width, breadth; span.
adv. widely; extensively, broadly; abroad; freely.
also. гьяркьуьдаказ.
also. дарман.
давам авун v. continue, go on, keep doing something; resume; produce; prosecute; pursue .
(-из, -на, -а) also. давам (давам авун).
adj. continual; enduring; drawn out; great. ДАВАМУН (-из, -на, -а) also. давам (давам авун). ДАВЛА n
(-ди, -да, -лар) n. mountain; mount, hill.
n. mountaineer.
adj. mountain, highland, montane, dwelling in mountains; mining. ДАГЪЛУХ adj. mountain, highland, montane, dwelling in mountains; mining
ӀӀ (-ди, -да, -ар) n. prayer, petition or entreaty to god, application to God expressed in words or thoughts
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. taste, flavor, savor; liking, fancy; style.
also. дад ӀӀ.
ХЬУН v. get the habit.
(-из, -на, -а) v. connive.
adj. flavorous, tasty; savory, appetizing. ДАДЛУДАКАЗ adj. flavorous, tasty; savory, appetizing. ДАДМИШУН (-из, -на, -а) v
adj. unappetizing, unpalatable, unsavory.
adv. constantly, always, forever; permanently; perennially; hourly.
also. халу.
(-а, -а, -ар) n. niche, recess.
also. такӀан.
also. такӀанарун.
also. такӀанвал.
n. window, opening that is in the wall or roof of a structure and is usually covered with glass letting in light and/or air; rectangular frame that ap
(-а, -а, -ар) n. donut; buxom, plump (of a child).
(дакӀваз, -уна, дакӀукӀ) v. bloat, balloon, distend.
adj. dropsical, pertaining to dropsy (abnormal collection of fluid in body tissues); turgid, swollen
(-из, -на, -а) n. swelling, intumescence; tumefaction, act of becoming swollen.
adv. one after another, thick and fast.
n. cover, housing, shelter, sconce; hide, hideout. ДАЛДАЛАМИШУН (-из, -на, -а) v. conceal, hide, cover; suppress
n. drummer.
n. prattle, chatter, babble; talk, confabulation; badinage; chitchat, gab, prate; gossip, drivel.
n. intermediator, mediator, arbitrator, one who intervenes; middle-man; umpire.
n. back; rear.
(-уни, -уна, -арар) also. дамар.
adj. tribal; pedigree.
n. vein, vena.
n. pride.
also. дамагъ-чагъ.
adv. prettily, handsomely.
(-из, -на, -а) also. дамах Ӏ 1) (дамах авун).
n. dandy, beau, elegant, gallant.