ӀӀ n. fugleman, bellwether; leader, guide.
Ӏ серг.
(-еди, -еда, -ер) n. elder, any of a number of trees or shrubs.
also.; сирнич.
also. сарраф.
серсер авун put smb. out of countenance, give pause to.
n. confusion, bewilderment; embarrassment, abashment; disarray, discomposure; puzzlement, perplexity
also. няс.
1) n. expense; expenditure, outlay (especially financial); consumption; rate; span; 2) n. case, occasion; occurrence, event; incident, accident; emerg
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. voice; call; vote, suffrage; vocal organ, pipe.
n. trip, voyage, journey; travelling, voyaging.
adv. once; now; кьве сеферда adv. twice; са сеферда a) adv. once; b) adv. once; one day; one fine day
1. adj. stupid, muddle headed, slow-witted, slow, obtuse; cockeyed, foolish, incoherent; 2. n. featherhead, goosey, drip, nelly, wally
n. obtuseness.
adj. stupid, muddle headed, slow-witted, slow, obtuse; cockeyed, foolish, incoherent.
adj. dreary; wistful.
(-из, -на, -а) also. сефил (сефил авун).
n. depression, dejection, despondency; slough of despond, gloom, melancholy, sadness; discouragement, dismay
also. сефилдаказ.
adv. sadly, unhappily, despondently, morosely; regretfully, unfortunately.
also. сефилдаказ. СЕЧКИЧИ n. elector, voter, constituent. СЕЧКИЯР n. election, voting.
adj. choice, select; picked, selected; selective, picky.
(-из, -на, -а) v. choose, select, pick; decide on, fix upon; take out; haul.
(-и, -е, -ер) . mouth, facial feature above the chin and below the nose; part of the body used for eating and communicating; сив аладарун adv
сиви-сивди ацӀурун v. overfill, overflow; overrun; overwhelm; congest, crowd.
n. infant, baby; very young child, toddler, tot; minor; beginner.