1) n. durability, stability, solidity; endurance, tolerance, fortitude; 2) n. opulence, wealth, riches
1.1) adj. feeble, infirm; 2) v. emasculate, enervate, weaken.
n. feebleness, weakness, adynamia; debility, disability; impotence, impotency, emasculation; такьатсузвал авун n
also. такьатсуздаказ.
adj. powerless, flaccid, feeble, impuissant, weak; forceless, impotent; paralytic, bedridden.
adj. unpleasant, not genial, not pleasant; disagreeable, nasty.
n. talent, innate ability or skill.
adj. talented, gifted; clever; able.
n. talent.
also. талантлудаказ. ТАЛАНТЛУДАКАЗ adj. talented, gifted; clever; able. ТАЛАНТЛУЗ also. талантлудаказ
adj. talentless.
n. lack of talent, third rate; ham; hack.
n. robber, burglar; harrier, depredator; extortioner; snatcher.
n. burglary, robbery; plunder, pillage; ransack.
adj. predatory, robbing; rapacious, ravenous; burglarious; extortionate; penal.
( талаш) n. flinders, fragments.
. also. буьгьтен.
1) n. attic, section of a house below the roof, garret; 2) n. awning, covering which provides shade over doors or windows; penthouse, prestigious apar
n. teaching, education, instruction; training, discipline; nurture.
n. coupon; ticket; token.
adj. appurtenant, pertinent, relevant.
n. concern, respect.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. forest, woods, area of land covered with trees; scaffold, temporary platform used by workmen during the construction or repair of a b
n. master of ceremonies.
1. 1) adj. particular, detailed; minute, precise; circumstantial; narrow; ample; тамам жаваб n. irrefragable answer; 2) adj
(-из, -на, -а) also. тамам 2) (тамам авун).
1) n. plenitude, fullness; completeness, entirety; stoutness, rotundity.
adv. wholly, completely, totally, fully, absolutely.
1) adj. incomplete, deficient; inadequate, insufficient; 2) adj. immature, puerile; unripe, green; embryonic
1) n. deficiency, inadequacy. ТАМАМСУЗВИЛЕЛДИ n. deficiency, inadequacy. ТАМАМУН also. тамам 2) (тамам авун)
adj. desirable; acceptable; hoped for, sought after; welcome.
n. beam, horizontal support or joist used in building frames; horizontal bar, crossbar, elevated bar attached to two upright posts on which gymnastic
1) n. sight; spectacle, pageant; show, performance; 2) n. amusement, fun; game, sport; toy; trick; 3) n
n. spectator, viewer; bystander, onlooker; beholder.
(-из, -на, -а) also. килигун.
n. customs house.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. torso, body; corpus.
1) n. time, age; 2) n. grade, degree, rank; stage, phase; measure, extent; exponent, small raised symbol or number placed after a number that indicate
adj. known; acquainted, familiar; au fait.
(-из, -на, -а) also. таниш (таниш авун).
n. acquaintance, familiarity; awareness, knowledge; acquaintanceship, person one knows slightly; танишвал авун v
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. tank, armored combat vehicle.
adj. false, mendacious; fictive, fabricated; erroneous, untrue; pseudo, mock. ТАПАНЧИ n. revolver, pistol with a revolving cylinder that holds several
also. таб [ттаб] (таб авун).
n. liar, storyteller, fabulist.
n. pad, paw; claw; dovetail, joint comprised of a tenon and mortise.
also. тапас.
also. тапархъан.