n. envelope, paper wrapper in which letters are sealed and sent; cover .
n. Congress, national lawmaking body of the United States (consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives)
n. conductor; jig, device which holds and guides a tool (Machinery).
n. constitution; setup; make, physique.
n. construction, structure; design; framework.
n. consultant, advisor, counselor.
n. consultation; advice.
n. control; check, inspection; monitoring, supervision; verification; grasp, grip.
n. conference, meeting.
(-из, -на, ) v. confiscate, seize; condemn; sequester; embargo; suppress.
n. conflict, clash.
n. concert, concerto.
n. skates, racing skates.
n. cooperation.
n. cooperative, collectively owned and operated business.
n. copy, replica, duplicate; carbon copy, CC, copy of a document (sent to a third party).
n. corrector, proofreader, revisor, one who reads and corrects errors .
n. proof, proof sheet, trial print that is inspected for errors (Printing).
n. astronaut, cosmonaut, spaceman, person trained to travel in a spacecraft.
n. space, cosmos, universe.
n. suit, matching outfit consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt; garb, outfit, costume .
n. meatball, meat formed into a ball; rissole, hamburger.
n. coffee, beverage made from water filtered through coffee beans .
n. (Mathematics) coefficient, constant factor of a term; multiplier, quantity by which a number is multiplied; index, indicator; quotient, solution to
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. rheumatism, disease characterized by inflammation of the joints (Medicine).
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. tap, spigot, faucet; crane, derrick, machine for raising heavy objects; plug, fire hydrant
кар Ӏ.
n. starch, edible complex carbohydrate found in plants; farina, flour or meal ground from grains .
n. credit, trust.
n. cruiser, navy ship, battle-ship.
serf, bondsman.
n. crisis, turning point; slump; acme, head.
n. crystal, transparent mineral (especially a type of quartz).
n. critic, person who criticizes; person who reviews the quality and content (of books, plays, etc.)
n. critique, review, criticism.
n. crocodile, croc, predatory aquatic reptile; alligator, broad-snouted variety of reptile belonging to the crocodile family (found in the the southea
n. coterie, circle; roundel.
n. can; mug; pot; pint; tankard.
n. cause, reason; occasion; matter; subject, motive; halter, bridle.
карч. КСАНА ксун. КСАР кас.
1. adj. spoilt; effeminate; effete.
(-из, -на, -а) also. кстах (кстах авун).
n. effeminacy, girlishness; muliebrity, womanliness.
also. кстахдаказ.
adv. spoilt; effeminate; effete.
(-уз, ксана, ксус) v. fall asleep, doze off.
v. bed, put to sleep, take to bed.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. book; volume.