1) n. sight; spectacle, pageant; show, performance; 2) n. amusement, fun; game, sport; toy; trick; 3) n
n. spectator, viewer; bystander, onlooker; beholder.
(-из, -на, -а) also. килигун.
n. customs house.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. torso, body; corpus.
1) n. time, age; 2) n. grade, degree, rank; stage, phase; measure, extent; exponent, small raised symbol or number placed after a number that indicate
adj. known; acquainted, familiar; au fait.
(-из, -на, -а) also. таниш (таниш авун).
n. acquaintance, familiarity; awareness, knowledge; acquaintanceship, person one knows slightly; танишвал авун v
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. tank, armored combat vehicle.
adj. false, mendacious; fictive, fabricated; erroneous, untrue; pseudo, mock. ТАПАНЧИ n. revolver, pistol with a revolving cylinder that holds several
also. таб [ттаб] (таб авун).
n. liar, storyteller, fabulist.
n. pad, paw; claw; dovetail, joint comprised of a tenon and mortise.
also. тапас.
also. тапархъан.
also. тапархъанвал. ТАП-ТАП; тап-тап авун v. stamp; drum. ТАПУНИ таб [ттаб].
n. bin; chest, storage box.
n. girth, cinch, strap which holds a saddle in place; surcingle, belt or band that passes around the stomach of a horse to hold a saddle or pack in pl
(-из, -на, -а) v. give; delegate; entrust, confide; authorize, commission.
n. charge; mission, errand; commission; message.
[ттар] (-ци/-а, -це/-а, -ар) 1) n. tree; wood; гийин тар . hornbeam; мегъуьн тар oak tree; ичин тар apple tree; 2) n
n. drone, male bee.
n. gallows, gibbet, scaffold; hangman.
n. eczema, inflammatory skin disease.
n. noise, bruit; roar, rave; clamor, turmoil; ruffle, uproar, row .
also. куькве Ӏ.
also. тарап-туруп.
n. burglary, robbery; plunder, pillage; ransack; тараш авун a) v. rob, plunder; depredate, ravage; reive; prey upon;
n. robbery, brigandage.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тараш.
n. robber, burglar; harrier, depredator; extortioner; snatcher.
n. burglary, robbery; plunder, pillage; ransack.
predatory practices.
n. plate, flat dish for serving food; cap.
n. translation, act of rendering something into another language; interpretation, oral tra nslation from one language to another; transfer; shifting;
Ӏ n. praise, laud.
ӀӀ n. definition; determination; decision; attribute, adjective (Grammar).
ӀӀӀ [ттариф] n. tariff, rate.
adj. vaunted.
adj. commendable, laudable, praiseworthy; recommendatory.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тариф Ӏ (тариф авун).
1) n. history; story; 2) n. date; when.
adj. historic, historical.
adj. dateless, undated.
(таркуни, таркуна, -ар) n. pistil, female reproductive organ in flowers; pestle; beater, pounder .
n. debacle, rout; defeat, smash.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тармар (тармар авун).
n. suddenness, abruptness.