(-уз, -ана, хце) v. resell; also. гун.
(хпе, хпе, хпер) n. sheep, variety of cud-chewing animal related to the goat (raised for wool, meat or skin); ewe, female sheep; mutton, meat taken fr
(хиве, хиве, хивер) 1) neck; back of the head, occiput (Anatomy); nape of the neck, scruff of neck; 2) n
pillow on yoke.
also. хейлин.
. 1) adv. considerably, much, noticeably; particularly, notably; immensely, vastly; to a great extent, to a degree; to the highest degree, most; to a
n. scoop; shovel; trowel; dustpan.
(хиле, хиле, хилер) 1) n. branch, bough, limb; ramification, embranchment; filiation; хилер вегьин v
1. 1) n. retreat, solitude, seclusion; retirement, privacy; 2) adv. in private, alone; face to face, tete- a-tete; 2
n. privacy, solitude; remoteness. ХЕЛВЕТДАКАЗ adv. solitarily, alone, secludedly. ХЕЛВЕТДИЗ also. хелветдаказ
also. химир.
also. химирган.
n. Thursday.
n. door, entry.
n. widow, dowager; хендедадин adj. widow's; хендеда итим n. widower; хендеда паб n. widow, dowager; хендеда хьанвай adj
n. widowhood.
adj. unhealthy, unwell, sick, diseased; insalubrious, not good for one's health.
n. puniness.
also. гапур.
n. tick, small parasitic bloodsucking arachnid which can sometimes be the carrier of infectious diseases; mite, insect which feeds on decaying matter;
(хире, хире, хирер) n. wound, hurt, injury; cut; хер алай or хер хьайи adj. wounded, injured; stricken; casualty
1) n. idiosyncrasy, strain, feature; 2) n. custom, habit; tradition, practice; use; rut; ♦ чӀур жедай хесет n
adj. emasculate; neuter, castrated, spayed (about animals); хеси авун v. castrate, emasculate; unman, unsex; geld, castrate an animal (especially a ho
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. claw, pincers; vise, clamp; nippers, jaws; pliers, tongs.
n. porridge, soft hot cereal made of oats or wheat; kasha, porridge made from cooked grain (especially buckwheat)
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. family, group of persons who are related by blood; home, house; brood; colony; household franchise